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yn pov
i woke up excited for hawwii it was our first holiday since jade was born and dad hasn't stopped working since we moved in anyway i got up and brushed my teeth and since it was gonna be a long plane ride i done very simple makeup
i got to my wardrobe and picked out a comfy outfit

i put on my shoes and took my house and AirPods i got my suitcase out of my wardrobe and walked downstairs "Mommm  i am all ready"i shouted from the front door "okayyy can you get jades bag from her room please""mhm" i ran upstairs and got her bag...

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i put on my shoes and took my house and AirPods i got my suitcase out of my wardrobe and walked downstairs "Mommm  i am all ready"i shouted from the front door "okayyy can you get jades bag from her room please"
"mhm" i ran upstairs and got her bag
i walked i to the kitchen "i got her bag  it's at the door" "thank you so much sweetie" "we all ready to go "my dad said coming into the kitchen all excited i could hear it in his voice "yup we have everything" i said looking up at him
"perfect go on out to the car"i got jade and went out to the car and see jaden in the yard "heyyy what are you doing here" i said walking towards him with jade in my arms "i wanted to say bye before you and i wanted cuddles off of jade ofcc " he said looking down at me and taking jade and hugging her jade loved him and he loved her it was cute seeing him with her butterflies were flying around in my stomach whenever i seen him with her and  him in general "awhhh " i said hugging him "right i better go i have to get back to my mom i am helping her decorate dealos  bedroom" (i had no idea what to say there so)
"awhh okay i will see you when i get back" i said hugging him for longer "goodbye ma "he said kissing the top of my head he went back home and i put jade in her car seat i hoped in beside her and mom and dad came out of the house and got in it was a hour drive to the airport so i just listened to some music
we finally got to the airport
TIME SKIP 🫶🏻(i didn't want to type everything u done at the airport x)
i was siting on the plane i got a window seat it wast so bad cause i love taking pictures especially of the sky i took this one for my instagram story since i haven't posted in a while

i put on my shoes and took my house and AirPods i got my suitcase out of my wardrobe and walked downstairs "Mommm  i am all ready"i shouted from the front door "okayyy can you get jades bag from her room please""mhm" i ran upstairs and got her bag...

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i fell asleep it was such a boring flight

we got off the plane and got out bags and a car came and picked us up to bring us to our hotel
it was really far so i just played with jade we got to the hotel and checked in i had my own room since there wasn't enough room with my parents and jade i didn't mind it and they were right beside me i unpacked my stuff and went over to my parents room and helped them unpack after we got that finished we went down for dinner i was texting jaden abt the flight and the hotel and how pretty it was here i really wish he came it would of been so much fun with the Walton's especially since me and jayla have gotten close
we are dinner and went back up to our rooms and i got ready for bed and brushed my teeth and texted jaden  goodnight and fell asleep it was a lot

a/n-this was such a short chapter but the rest of them will probably be longer 🌴

610 words ✈️

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