beach day +surpise

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Y/n pov
i woke up on the couch with jaden beside me
i sat up looking around if i could see anyone no one was there the whole kitchen was messy with plastic cups and wrappers i got up without waking up jaden i stumbled to the bathroom and brushed my teeth i walk back to the couch to see jaden awake on his phone
jaden-morning gorgeous
jaden-how did u sleep
y/n-good what about you
jaden-good ur couch is so comfy
y/n-ahaha thanks what u wanna do today
jaden-anything u wanna do
y/n-OMG can we please go to the beach
jaden-sure i am gonna go home and shower and get ready
we got his stuff and walked over to the door
jaden-call me when u are ready
we hugged and he go in his car and drive away
i shut the door and walked upstairs to my bathroom and get into the shower and done my hair care and everything else
i got out and done some skin care
i went into my wardrobe and picked out a cute outfit for the beach

Y/n pov i woke up on the couch with jaden beside me i sat up looking around if i could see anyone no one was there the whole kitchen was messy with plastic cups and wrappers i got up without waking up jaden i stumbled to the bathroom and brushed m...

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i walked downstairs to see jade and my mom in the kitchen
y/n-morning mom morning jade
y/m-morning sweetie how was last night
y/n-it was interesting but fun i am going to the beach with jaden in a bit i am just wanna get something to eat
y/m-okay i am making a smoothie do u want some
y/n-yes pleaseee
she handed me the smoothie and i drank it while feeding jade her  breakfast
after i finshed my smoothie and i texted jaden that i was ready   
                                 jaden ❤️

y/n- hey i am ready
jaden-kk coming over now!

      i said bye to my mom and jaden and went i to my dads office where he was working on some case
y/n-bye dad i am going off with jaden i will be back later
y/d-okay have funn sweetie
i hugged him and went to the door to see jaden holding the passenger door open for me

jaden-ah hello my lady
y/n-hello sir
i hoped ins nd he shut the door i put on my seatbelt while he got in

we where driving to the beach listing to music and singing our hearts out 
jaden-starbucks ???
y/n-yesss pleaseee
we pulled up in the starbucks drive thru and orderd while we got to the window the first opend it
worker-that will be-OMG UR JADEN WALTON AND Y/N  Y/L/N
jaden-we sure are
worker -can i please get a picture
jaden/y/n- ofcc
we posed and she took the picture
jaden-how much for the drinks
worker -they are on the house thank you so much that
y/n-awh thank you
we got our drinks and drove to the beach
y/n-omg she was so sweet
we got to the beach and layed  down our towel and sat on it for a bit
jaden-come on let's go swim
y/n-noo not yet
y/n-jaden no
i closed my eyes u til i felt jaden pick me up and put me over his shoulder
jaden-how abt no.
he ran to the ocean
y/n-omg it's so colddd
jaden -come on y/n
i swam towards him and put my hands on his shoulders as he put his hand on my wait the butterflies had woken up in my stomach
we liked at eachothers eyes as i feel my face heat up not long after i felt his lips on mine we pulled away and i hugged him we swam back to the shore and layed on the towel longer until the sun was starting to go down  i took a picture of the sun setting and posted it on my story

he ran to the ocean y/n-omg it's so colddd jaden -come on y/ni swam towards him and put my hands on his shoulders as he put his hand on my wait the butterflies had woken up in my stomach we liked at eachothers eyes as i feel my face heat up not lo...

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it was getting late so we got out stuff and go in the car and started to drive home i was really tried and fell asleep

Jadens Pov
as i was driving home i looked over y/n and she was asleep she looked so pretty i don't think i ever felt this way abt anyone every she was really perfect i got a text from javon

                                     twin 🙄  

javon-hey wru ??
jaden-on my way home from the beach with y/n
javon-oh okay just come home mom has a surprise
jaden-what is it
javon-i don't know just come home
jaden-okay okay i am

    i was nearly at y/n house so i started to wake her up slowly
jaden-y/n wake upppp
her eyes slowly started opening
y/n- jaden what's wrong
jaden- ur home
she slowly sat up and gathered her stuff i pulled up to her gate and drove up the driveway  i stoped the top of it
jaden-bye ma
y/n-bye jaden i will call u later
jaden-okay bye bye 
i hugged and she got and walked to the door and turned around and waved at me i waved back
and drove to my house
i walked into the door and everyone was sitting in the living room
jaden-okay so what this big surprise 
jess -okay so me and ur dad have planned a week in Hawaii 
Javon-NO WAY
Jayla -omgggg i am gonna start packing rn
jaden-omg actually
Dj-yes and y/n and her family are coming too
jess-y/ns parents are going a day before us and we are gonna suprise y/n and jade so nobody tell them that we are going u got that jaden
jess-okay no come on daelo bed time
once daelo my mom and dad walked to the kitchen jayla and javon turn to me
jayla -so where u all day jaden
javon-ye where were u
jaden-javon i told u even tel yes me i was gone to the beach with y/n
jayla -oh javon why didn't u tell me
jaden -right i am going to bed goodnight
jayla -goodnight
i walked up stairs so excited about going to hawaii with y/n i got ready for bed and called her
                                 y/n❤️*on FaceTime*
jaden-hey ma
y/n-heyyy love omg once i got in my parents say me down and said i was going to hawwi 
jaden-omgggg i wish going w u but i have baseball
y/n-both of our family's need to go on a holiday sometime we are all so close
jaden-ye ikr
y/n-okay i am gonna go to bed i have to pack tomarrow and i am so tried after today
jaden-ye i could tell in the car
y/n-ahaha funny but i was and am
jaden-okay u go to sleep i will go over tomorrow and help u pack
y/n-thank youuuu goodnighttt
jaden-goodnight ma
*end of call *
i got up and brushed my teeth and fell asleep

a/n-okay that is a long chapter needed one since i haven't been active hope u are liking it so far 🫶🏻

1255 words 🌺

jaden walton x y/n 🫶Where stories live. Discover now