The accident

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It had been four years since Regina moved next door to me. Not much had changed except for Ellie; she was sprouting like a weed, but the downfall of her sprouting was that were going clothes shopping again! I had promised Regina I'd come with her since we've been friends for a while now. I wore light make-up, a simple red dress, and a black leather jacket. I was just outside Regina's door, mentally preparing to see her. You see, not only has our relationship gotten stronger, but recently, I think I'm starting to fall for her. I was about to knock on the door when Regina and Ellie opened the door. Ellie wore her Halloween costume Regina had bought her a few months back. I quickly glanced at Regina to see what she was wearing. She also wore light makeup and a light blue dress cut just above her knees. "shall we?" I asked, "We shall." We left the hallway and got into Reginas' car. Ellie was old enough to buckle herself in, so I got in the passenger seat while Regina got into the driver. As we headed into town, Regina asked Ellie which shop she wanted to go to. "Can we get some food?" Ellie pouted and gave us the puppy dog look. "Honey, we already had breakfast before we left." Regina tried to reason with her, but it was useless against the small girl, "please!!" Ellie begged us. Regina and I looked at each other before Regina sighed and caved in. "Fine, we will stop for food and then shopping, deal?" Regina glanced at the rearview mirror to look at Ellie. "Deal!" Ellie smiled as Regina pulled into a mall-looking place. It was wide and had a lot of places like barbershops with food and clothing. We got out of the car, went to the restaurant, and ordered a table. We sat down before practically forcing Ellie to wait and order before she ran off to play with the other kids in the play place. It was now Regina and I with our drinks. "I heard you sighing up to the police academy?" Regina asked before taking a sip of her drink, "uh yeah, I applied for it," I admitted with a small smile, "why?" She questioned, "I wanna be an officer." I shrugged. "What do you wanna be?" I ask. "An influencer," she responded, "on social media? Or like an actor?" I asked, "Social media," and she smiled. I smiled back before we heard Ellie screaming. A couple of parents and customers looked over at her, and then we, as Ellie ran up to Regina and latched onto her leg, "What happened? Why are you screaming?" Regina asked while picking up the small girl. "My knees bleeding," she cried out as she hugged Regina. I stood up and walked over to Regina's side to see the cut. I always carry ban aids in my bag, so if it was bleeding a little, I could help. I looked down at Ellie's leg and saw a tiny cut on her knee. As I went looking for a band-aid, Regina asked Ellie about what happened "Someone pushed me, and I cut my knee," Ellie sobbed. "Well, how about you sit down and let's eat, and then we will go shopping? Relax, honey." Regina smiled, and Ellie nodded as Regina wiped her tears away. I found the band-aid and put it on her knee before smiling. "There, all new." I stood back up before walking over to my seat and sitting down while Ellie did the same. soon enough, we left the restaurant after paying, and Ellie had completely forgotten about her knee as she pranced around as we went shopping for a few clothes since she'd outgrown them in like a year or two; we were heading back to the car when Ellie starts panicking, "what's wrong, El?" I kneel to her height. "I left my wings in the changing room!" She says in a panicked tone, "I'll get 'em." Regina quickly runs back into the store as Ellie and I get in the car. I sit in the passenger seat, waiting for Reginas to return for Ellie's wings. Soon enough, Regina jogs out and walks to the car with the wings in her hand. She raises them in the air as she crosses the street. I watch Ellie's face light up before I hear a loud truck horn. I look back at the road to see Regina, who was in the middle of the street, gone, and instead, I see a truck making a full stop. Was Regina just hit by that Truck!?

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