Dream job

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Two years later and I was in front of my mirror debating on two outfits, a silky white one that was spaghetti strapped and a silk red wine dress that was longer but had a slit on the left side, I had white heels but not the exact white heels as for the same with bags. I had the same colour red bag but grey bag. (No it's not dirty) I wasn't sure until I decided that I could wear the white dress and heels but have a black bag and black jacket in case it gets cold. Win win in my case, I painted my lips a Scarlett red with a rose pink cheeks. I didnt use eyeliner but I did use fake eyelashes, I couldn't help but feel excited since this week was gonna be busy. I had a date night with Regin and luckily Rose reluctantly took Ellie for the night but that quickly changed when Ellie was invited to her friend Courtney and Laura's place for a sleepover. Rose was the primary caller if Ellie was home sick or plans changed but Regina was emergency caller. I was gonna be with Regina so it didnt matter that I was or wasn't written down, I checked the clock and it showed 7:30 exactly, I shuttered before heading out the door and getting in my car before driving to the bar. I got there about 7:45 and I got a booth by the back and ordered a drink while I waited for my date. I opened my phone and scrolled through my phone to find something to do for the next fifteen minutes until Regina arrives. I decided to check my emails to see what's new since I haven't checked today, I saw a few emails from random stuff like subscriptions and updates but nothing to bad. Well not until I scrolled onto an email for the job application I applied for a few nights ago. I finally started chasing my dream job as a police officer, I sighed up at the six four since ive heard a few good things which was good. I also heard that Regina applied as well but for the personal assistant job at the nine-nine which wasn't too bad. An old childhood friend offered her the job and she told me she'd have the interview in a few days, I opened the email and read through it. I got to the bottom when I saw that they requested an interview at eight today. "Shit! Oh shit shit shit." I saw Regina walk through the doors in a similar outfit except hers was a blue flowery dress with a jacket and heels. She walked over to me and noticed my worried expression as she sat down "What's wrong?" She slid into the booth across from me and I stumbled over my words, "Im an idiot is what! I didnt check my emails and I just realized I have an interview at the six-four in eight minutes." I looked at her with an apologetic look feeling bad since id promise her id take her out tonight, "well what are you waiting for!? Button up that jacket and get out of here! Ill wait I promise" I sighed knowing she was serious and id be wasting time I didnt have to argue over me saying something stupid. I mumbled an apology as I kissed her cheek and almost ran out the restaurant. I was exactly on time as I met a lady with medium curly brown hair with a police uniform on as soon as I walk in. "Hi im Amanda Sandiago, im here for my interview at the six-four?" She smiled as I offered my hand for her to shake "Katie Winters, pleasure meeting you Amanda" she shook my hand and I nodded "I dont actually work here but I did once and id gladly show you where the captain's office is" I sighed and my shoulders dropped, I didnt even realize I was tense, "Oh im sorry, I just read the email and I was panicked so I rushed here. I'm usually on time and prepared but I was very busy today" I laughed a bit and she did too "it happens to the best of us." She took me to the elevators and pressed the top floor, "say why did you sign up to be an officer anyway?" She questioned and I shrugged "I like helping people honestly, I wanna bring justice down on those who wronged people. Like a few years back my girlfriend was married to this guy who beat her. And I felt like she didnt deserve it- because she didnt. I want to bring guys like him down. Guys who think they rule the world but also women who frame them. Like an old friend tried to tell me that her boyfriend cheated on her and that he tried to murder her. She tried to get him arrested but turns out she was wrong. She was a narcissist and hated him because he reminded her of her ex that cheated on her. So in equal amounts I want to bring justice to the right people and help the victims that have been hurt by this." I didnt even notice but I had been looking at the ground the whole time, "wow. That's one hell of a backstory" I laughed before looking at at the elevator as the doors open. "Well I hope that interview goes great, if not im sure we'd love you at the nine-nine." She smiled and I nodded "Your an officer there?" I ask and she shook her head. "Detective, but close" I laughed a little "well then, thanks for invitation detective, catch you later" I waved at her and she waved back as I made my way to the captains office for my interview.

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