chapter 1 - miss mushroom hater

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HER leg draped down onto the crisp white sofa, as she fixated her eyes onto the television she stood infront. As her brunnette friend Georgia rummaged through a cabinet of food, she rolled onto the side of the couch and pulled a blanket over her body. "So, pineapples on pizza, or mushrooms on pizza?" said Georgia, as she began to walk over and plop herself down onto the couch.

"Hmph, I'd have to go with pineapple, you know how much I despise mushrooms," replied Avery waving her hand about as she said it.

"Yeah, but like, imagine the juice getting all into the holes," she chatted back taking a rather large bite out of an apple to hide her smirk.

However her attempt did not work, and Avery turned to the girl and raised an eyebrow giggling, "That's was definitely intended."

Georgia shrugged and grasped the remote, smiling as she shoved the apple into her mouth once again. "You know, I saw this thing on insta that apparently there's this Elvis movie coming out, and they need a Pricilla," Avery looked up at her friend and blinked, picking up her phone, intrigued, "You should audition for it."

"When are the auditions?" Avery exclaimed, scrolling through her Instagram. The brunette sighed and fell back onto the couch, tossing the remote to the side, "Not sure, have a look tho."

"Shit." The blonde jerked up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before getting up frantically and running upstairs.

"What? What?" shouted the brunette getting up too and tidying the sofa.

"Georgia it's in 30 minutes!" The blonde said now running back down the stairs and grabbing a coffee from the counter.

"Hey that's mine!" said Georgia, pointing at the drink Avery was now sipping. "Not anymore," she huffed and grabbed her keys from the side as she threw on a black jacket, "Listen, just keep your phone on and stay inside the house, okay?"

Georgia nodded and waved a hand as the door slammed shut.

Her keys collided with the counter as she arrived at the reception. "Hi, uh, are auditions still on for Elvis?" said Avery. The woman looked up from her desk, "Yes honey, might I get your name?"

"Avery Miller," she beamed.

"Thank you, just go down that corridor and up the stairs, turn right, then the room at the end on the left."

"Great, thank you." Avery picked up her posture and began to walk along the corridor. Ancient paintings with sharp gold frames around the edges sloped along the walls as Avery gently brushed her fingers against them. She couldn't help but feel slightly nervous since she was running late and unprepared.

"Down the corridor, up the stairs..."

She tried to remember what the woman said, following the stairs leading up to another hall.

"Up the stairs, turn.. right?"

She stopped in her tracks.

Damn. Right or left? Fuck. Left?

As she turned left, a sudden clash erupted between her and someone else. She fell backwards and immediately grasped her forehead. "Hey!" Avery began, "You should really watch where you're going, I'm trying to get somewhere."

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