chapter 10 - headaches and clothe swapping

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THE next morning, Avery woke up to the sound of knocks on her door. Being careful not to wake Austin up, she crouched over him on the bed and strolled slowly over to the door.

Whilst she rubbed her eyes, she tiredly opened the door to reveal Georgia. "Hey," she said yawning, "Where's your mystery guy?"

"Just a one night stand." She laughed.

"Oh, well I'm going back to sleep." Replied Avery.

Since it was only early in the morning and Avery Miller was not a morning person at all, she headed straight back to her bed.

She picked up her phone and used the light to check if Austin was still there. When she saw him sleeping, her heart skipped a beat. After a second of examining his face, she turned her phone back off and lay her head back onto her pillow.

About a few hours later, the girl woke up again. Yet this time she was in a completely different position to what she last remembered. One of her legs draped across Austin's right leg, and his arm curled around her back. Her head slightly leaned towards his shoulder and his lay gently on top.

Liking the feeling of being held, Avery nuzzled her head into Austin's chest. To this action, Austin snapped his eyes open, forgetting where he was. And out of instinct, he immediately jumped into a stance where both his hands were in karate style and his legs bent almost to the floor. When he realised it was Avery, a deep exhale escaped his mouth and he flexed his muscles. "Oh, it's only you."

With a 'holding back a laugh' look, Avery smiled. "Did you turn into Murray from stranger things there for a sec?" she giggled, stretching.

"Oh shut up," His voice was sarcastic as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Are your fingers like spears, legs like arrows, and arms like iron?" she retaliated, moving her legs and arms about as she said each body part.

He began to change, "First of all, don't diss my Murray. And second of all, you got like all of that wrong."

She watched as his muscles contracted as he lifted his shirt off, his six-pack practically glowing in the sun. "Yeah i thought so," she said jokingly disappointed whilst she turned to her side and began to change too. She picked out a random top and some grey low-waist parachute pants.

"Wait, why am i here?" He blurted out suddenly, confused.

Avery was surprised he hadn't said this as soon as he woke up and let out a laugh. "You were like, very drunk and came here."

"I feel sick as shit, my head is honestly pounding."

"Yeah I'd think so, you came knocking here at bloody like 3am in the morning."

"I genuinely have no idea what happened." Austin scratched his forehead.

Avery stood up, "I'll go get you some water."

"Okay," was all he said as he searched for his clothes. Once he'd picked up the crinkled white t-shirt that lay on the floor, his eyes traced the room for his jeans.

"Hey Avery, where'd I put my jeans?" he shouted.

"Your what? I do- oh. They're in the bathroom. You might wanna wear something else."

Peering into the bathroom, Austins nose immediately scrunched and his eyebrows furrowed. "Im borrowing something of yours."

Avery walked in and closed the door behind her, here's your water. After scanning her outfit, he realised that the shirt she'd chosen was his shirt. "Am I ever going to get that shirt back?" he questioned.

Secretly, he didn't want the answer to be yes. He wanted her to say no. I mean he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, but he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy seeing her in his clothes.

"No," she smiled sarcastically. He traced her every move and watched her as she bent down to get him something. In her hand, she pulled out some grey sweatpants.

"These'll do, unless you wanna go no pants to the fair."

"We're going to the fair?" he questioned, the corners of his mouth turning up.

"Yes, so put them on, unless, like I said, you want people staring," she said innocently.

An amused grin sat on his face, "Hm, I actually think I might go with that option."

However, Avery groaned whilst she shoved the sweat pants into his chest.

"Please don't," she sighed.

Slowly, a smirk spread wide across his face. Sending chills down Avery's spine, the blonde boy took a seductive step forward. He pressed his lips next to her ear and whispered, "Why not Aves? We both know you'd like it."

He moved his head back and held eye contact as he walked past her, brushing her shoulder: making his way to the bathroom to get changed. Avery's arms folded, "You're such an asshole, you know that?"

"But you still love me!" He laughed.

The blonde girl let out a defeated chuckled. She'd get him back today, she didn't know how or when, but she would. He was a real tease, and that was merely a game. A game that two could definitely play.

end of chapter 10

(Sorry I know this chapter is short but I had no time to make this one haha)

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