chapter 8 - mr cockblocker

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WHEN she came out, she was met with a certain Elvis Presley, who was sat on the floor leaning against the bed as he practiced his lines.

A sweet smile blanketed her mouth and she pulled out her script, sitting on the bed next to Austin.
He looked up at her and rolled his tongue over his lips, "You nervous Aves?"

She shook her head and smiled, noticing how his leg slightly bounced up and down. "Hey don't be nervous, it's fine. You're like the best actor ever."

Fumbling with the buttons on his costume, he smiled softly, yet Avery caught a glimpse of lust hidden behind his eyes. "So, you two ready?"

The pair nodded feverishly, "Okay, we're going to start from line 7," replied the woman.

"Three, two, one, and action!"

Avery walked over to the 'window' and pretended to look outside, "And then, he said to me," she said in a sweet tone as she pulled out a fake cigar and smoked it; mimicking Pricilla's father.

Austin listened intently and smiled at her from the bed as her voice changed to an old mans, "You know what Pricilla? You gotta' listen to me 'cause you know. This guy, h-he's got girls all over the world okay?"

She paced back and forth as Austin continued to occasionally chuckle, "He's got girls waiting outside of his house, girls writing him endless fan mail," she switched back to her sweet Pricilla voice again, "And then mommy decides to pitch in and go, Ooh, what could he possibly see in you?"

More laughs were made and Avery's arms danced around, "And I just said, Mom. Dad. We talk, and we listen to music okay? That's all. And then they where going on and on and on about that photo of you and Natalie wood riding around that bike in Memphis and.."

Her hand fumbled to her forehead as she gasped loudly, "Oh! And then what I said," she trailed over to Austin and sat by him on the floor, "And I said this really calmly, I said, Listen. Okay? He's just really lonely, and quite frankly so am I."

Seductively, Austin purposefully titled his head to the side as Avery peered up at him, "And then they didn't really know what to say after that so I went upstairs and I went to bed," she laughed.

Austin's fingertips tapped on his temple and and his arm rested against the bed, "I've never met anyone like you," he said, holding eye contact.

"Well I hope not," Avery replied, smirking as she inched closer. She knew that it wasn't on the script, but after all, if she wanted to impress them, she should go all the way shouldn't she?

"So, what is Natalie Wood like?" she questioned as she was met by Austin's muttered and raspy laugh once more.

"She's nice, you know.." he pushed himself up from the bed, walking over to the record player and sitting down, "Colonels promised me that when I get back he's gonna' set me up in Hollywood to be a real actor."

He looked back at Avery who stared longingly at him in complete adoration, "That's really what I dream of."

Walking over to the window, he drew back the curtains as Avery followed him, facing opposite.

Without thinking, he placed his arm up against the wall, pinning Avery as if she was some sort of prey. "I think if you dream it you'll do it," she said looking down and up again, licking her lips innocently.

"You do?" The corners of Austin's mouth lifted and he bit his bottom lip as his fingers tapped quietly against the wooden frame.

Avery smiled widely, "Yeah," she continued.

The two inched closer until all Austin felt was Avery's warm breath gently grazing his face. Because of the height difference, she had to reach onto the tips of her toes as she leaned in closer, occasionally looking at his parted lips.

Austin couldn't resist anymore and steadily lowered himself down to her sweet lips, the familiar taste of sugary cherries and slight hints of succulent strawberry filling the back of his throat.

When he felt her lips smile, he calmly deepened the kiss, travelling his arms to her waist as her left hand cupped his cheek. She pulled away, making him lean in for more as she backed her head, tucking a strand of his soft black wig behind his ear.

"And cut!" Shouted the woman, yet the two still remained in position for a few couple seconds. After they'd pulled apart, members of the crew began to clap and both of them looked to each other, flustered yet smirking.

"Okay lunch break," said someone and Avery turned back to face Austin.

"So, where you going?" She said, smiling.

"Coffee shop down the road, you're coming with me," he stated and began to change as he pulled his army uniform shirt over his head.

Avery watched in shock and she found herself staring at his toned body, his chiseled abs and six pack standing out. "Like what you see hmph?" He questioned with a wink.

"Watch it Butler." She exclaimed as she walked off into one of the dressing rooms, slipping her original clothes back on.

The pair walked into the café, Avery's hand tugging on Austin's arm as she laughed at a joke he made a second ago. They made their way to the counter and Austin turned to the blonde girl next to him, "What do you want?" He asked, reaching into his pocket to get his card.

"You okay with pizza?" She replied, scanning the menu. "Yeah, anything you want," he smiled tapping his card on the machine as the two ordered drinks too.

When they had their food, they went and sat over on a table next to a family of 3. "What drink did you get?" Questioned Austin, picking up her now half- empty drink.

"I don't even know," she said furrowing her eyebrows, "It's like a mango milkshake smoothie thing, but it has like- these balls at the bottom."

"Like," he hesitated as he tried to think, "Boba?"

She took another bite out of her pizza and nodded, raising her eyebrows and leaning back into her chair.

After taking another look at the drink, Austin connected the top of the straw to his lips and took a sip as his eyes widened, "That's so good," he muttered placing it back down on her side.

She snatched his and took a sip, "Yours is just as good!"

Suddenly, she felt a presence lurk over her as a tall man with fluffy brown hair leaned onto her side of the table, "Hey, I, uh, couldn't help but notice you, you're beautiful," he said smiling down at her, "Avery, right?"

Avery blushed and Austin straightened his posture up, not liking the idea of Avery flirting with someone else as he stood up, "Yeah, that's her name, why?"

The blonde girl stared at Austin, seeing how jealous he was growing and it sort of turned her on.
Not showing his feelings of being intimidated by Austin, the brunette puffed his chest a little, "And you are?"

"He's-" Avery began but before she could say something, she was cut off.

"Her boyfriend."

The brunette stood with a startled expression sat on his face, "Oh, sorry. You're a lucky guy."

Austin sat back down and the young man trailed off looking defeated as his head drooped low as he walked.

"You're such a cock blocker," she snickered as she took a small sip from her drink.

"He's probably going to creep on some other pretty girl now," he replied as he rolled his eyes.

Avery giggled sarcastically, "You think I'm pretty?"

"Oh shut up Aves, don't be a dick!" He said placing another slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Hey, you're the dick here, making sure I don't get no dick from anyone," she laughed.

"We'll see about that," he mumbled so quietly that not even he himself could properly hear him say it.

end of chapter 8

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