chapter 4 - oh, aunt nora

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THE blonde boy came back an hour and a half later - like he promised. He settled his keys and jacket on the table next to the door as he slipped his trainers off. "Avery?"

He walked into the kitchen and when he saw that she wasn't there, his heart dropped slightly. Despite his fear of her having of left, he made his way to the bedroom to see her sleeping. He noticed how she looked so serene in her sleep, golden blonde waves spread across her face as she made quiet breaths.

Just as he was about to sit down, there was a knock at the door. Austin strolled over and opened, to see a worried Georgia. "Where is she? Is she okay?" The brunette didn't even take a glance at Austin but ran into his apartment, searching the rooms.

When she finally found Avery she began to gather her stuff as she rested her hand against the tired girls cheek. "Avery? Wake up, I'm taking you back now."

Avery's eyes widened and as soon as she focused her eyes to see her best-friend, she immediately embraced her arms around her. She stood up and nodded thanking her as she walked out the room, Georgia at her side.

Austin held the door open for the both of them, placing his hand on Avery's back to guide her since she wasn't even fully awake yet. As he leaned on the doorframe, he suddenly noticed Avery turn around before she began to walk away.

The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on the tips of her toes. She breathed in, taking in his scent of vanilla and fresh wood as his hands found themselves at her waist.

She pulled back and let go, her eyes fixated on his. "Thank you Austin."

The boy smiled and let a calming breath out, "You're welcome Aves," he said as she began to walk away with Georgia linked to her arm.

"Avery, I'm so sorry. I should've never walked off on you and left you, this is all my fault."

"Hey Gi listen, none of this is you're fault."

Georgia looked at the blonde with guilty eyes and nodded. "Don't worry Gi," said Avery.

The two girls arrived at their apartment at approximately 07:30, and Avery headed straight to her bed. About an hour later, she was woken up to Georgia violently shaking her saying that Austin was at the door.

"Huh?" groaned Avery, pressing her hand to her head. "Oh shit, the meeting."

Avery immediately sprinted to her wardrobe, knowing that she was only in boxers and a T-shirt. She found a pair of leggings and immediately pulled them on, keeping Austin's shirt on. Hurriedly, the girl slipped on some shoes and opened the door to be greeted by the one and only Austin.

"Hi." She said, out of breath.

"Hi." He smiled, watching her close the door behind her as they walked out of the building.

"I forgot about the meeting I'm so sorry," she said.

"It's fine no worries," laughed Austin.

She hopped into his car as he held the door open for her, as he climbed in and began to start the engine. His left arm moved onto the back of her head rest, as he looking behind to check for cars.

When they arrived, Avery noticed that Austin had stopped in his tracks. "You okay?" she questioned.

"No, that's my ex girlfriend," he cowered hiding behind the blonde girl, "Alina Wellman."

Avery smirked, "I've got an idea."

She took his hand and held it in hers, "Do you want her to go away?"

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