chapter 3 - an un-said sleepover

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AVERY woke up to the smell of toast. She immediately flicked her eyes open, stretching her arms to the frame at the back of her bed. Wait, there was no frame.

Quickly, she sat up and looked around. This wasn't her bed. This wasn't her room. Who was making toast? She was still in the same dress that she wore last night to the club.  That's when it hit her - last night.

She immediately realised and closed her eyes shut, remembering every second, his hands on her shoulders, the slap on her face. Her hand now roamed her cheek, and she wanted to cry.

The poor girl didn't know where she was, why she was there, or who she was with. She had forgotten what had happened until someone came and saved her, what was their name again?

Aubrey? No. She didn't know an Aubrey.
Adam? No. She didn't know an Adam.
Austin? No. She didn't know an Austin.

Wait. Yes she did.

Austin, it was Austin that had picked her up. It was Austin that had punched the man with black dripping hair. It was Austin's room that she was now in, laying in his bed.

Now Avery wanted to cry again, so despite the pounding headache that was rapidly creeping into her head, she sat up and forced herself out of the bed. She noticed that a sofa, had been turned so that it was facing towards the bedroom door. There was a blanket thrown over it haphazardly, and it was obvious that Austin slept there whilst she slept. He was probably worried that she had concussion or had been drugged.

As she walked past the bedroom door, she stared blankly at Austin who had his back turned to her. He was cooking some sort of breakfast for her and she strolled indolently into the kitchen. The smell of eggs suddenly filled her nose as she looked around the house. "Are you hungry?"

She turned over to him to see him looking at her over his shoulder, "Yeah," she replied looking back away.

After about another minute of her scanning the room he placed a plate in front of her as he took a seat next to her.

Avery gazed down at the food, crispy toast with avocado and egg on top. "Thank you," she said surprisingly finding the spirit to smile.

He glanced at her and smiled. "Anytime, Aves."

She looked back down at the food ahead of her again and picked up her fork. It was almost too pretty to eat, but Avery didn't have the energy to care and pushed a forkful of it into her mouth.

"So," said Austin breaking the silence, "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Almost every second."

Austin noticed the change of mood, and contemplated on weather he should carry on the conversation. "I'm so sorry Avery."

She took a quick look at him again, scanning his worried expression. "Austin, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, it was mine."

He placed a reassuring yet friendly hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. "Hey, don't say that. It wasn't your fault. I promise."

Avery nodded to this and she instantly wanted to cry again. She wished that it had never happened. She wished that she had never gone to the club in the first place. She wished that she could wash away the last 24 hours of her life, but she couldn't.

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