chapter 7 - a pair of professional tree climbers

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AUSTIN pulled up to the parking lot outside Avery's apartment, parking neatly. Turning off the music that was playing from his car, supersonic by oasis.

Pulling her curtains slightly open, the blonde girl watched from her window as she saw him closing the door of his pink cadillac car. She pulled away from the window and quickly began to touch up her hair.

Suddenly, two knocks on the door were thrown at her and she opened it, "You have a pink cadillac?" she questioned as she let him in.

"Yeah, I got given it during the role since I'm playing Elvis."

"You're so lucky, I wish I had a pink cadillac."

"You want to try it out?" he smirked.

She looked up at him, resting her arm against the wall, "You're not kidding, are you?"

The blonde boy shook his head, "Not in the slightest."

"Fuck yeah!" she squealed, "I'm driving."

When they'd finally made it outside, Avery brushed her fingers along the fresh baby pink car, climbing in. "It's so, so gorgeous."

He smiled as he looked at her, "Like you," he mumbled quietly.

"Huh?" she questioned, flicking her head to him.

"I said thank you," he said still smiling.

"So, where we going?"


"You know me too well."

Avery's fingers fumbled for the cars music button and she continued playing the oasis album Definitely Maybe.

Although she had only knew Austin for a few weeks, to her it felt like forever. She felt sort of safe and comfortable around him, as if she could tell him anything without being judged and it seemed strange how easily she found a flow in conversation with him.

As the calming wind brushed through her hair, a certain pair of blue eyes latched on to her. He noticed the way she squinted her eyes slightly when another car over took her. He noticed the way her hair lay gently on her shoulders. He noticed the way her eyelashes curled upwards and reached the top of her eyelids. He noticed the way her freckles splattered across her face like she'd been sprayed delicately with brown paint.

She was so effortlessly beautiful. Yet the sad thing was how the only person who couldn't see it was her.

"Enjoying the view?" she giggled, looking towards the boy.

"Yes actually, the trees are very green," he said remaining eye contact.

She laughed and hopped out of the car as she pulled a pair of airpods out of the side pocket. Giving the other one to Austin, she played the song Wicked Game by Chris Isaak. "This place looks like this song."

"I get what you're saying." She agreed, gazing at him. "You kind of look like this song too."

He turned to her and smiled, "I'm taking that as a compliment, thank you."

She laughed, slowly moving her head back to the scenery. Weeping willow trees gaped over a water stream and heavy rocks rimmed the edges of the trail. As the two began to walk, following the path carved out with flowers, birds chirped and the water danced gracefully.

Avery spotted one of the taller trees that lurked just over the stream, "We're climbing to that branch," she voiced, pointing to a long sturdy branch that would certainly hold the both of them.

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