*Not a wet canvas

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One day I sat back
In a room on a warm pack
Held up the canvas to make an art piece
Took out my colours not just a black n white feast

This time I knew it's gonna be different
As.... I was a resident of my persona , not just a mere immigrant

This time I knew it will last
No matter the ups and downs I know they'll past

With a newfound joy and unraveling desire
I started inking as if my pen was on fire

But....all I could draw was a face of my own
A sleek smile with gleaming eyes unbeknown

Serene eyes and a calm face
Depicting the state of my inner pace

As soon as I finished
I held it up high....astonished

The canvas wasn't wet
My hands weren't trembling

I'd grown up in a unique design
And now I knew my mind was really mine

Ashlesha Dubey

Ashlesha Dubey

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