Tarnish- Joel Miller

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Joel shifted in bed next to you, your arms still wrapped around his middle. His back pressed to your stomach as you cradled him. What a silly thing, a big man like Joel who throws around wood and steel all day can't sleep unless he's the little spoon.

You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, him groaning and shifting again. You could tell he was starting to wake, a quick inhale before his breathing pattern changed.

He rolled over onto his back, stretching shortly before sticking his arm under you. He used it to throw you on top of him, you settled yourself straddled over his hips.

"G'morning." He grumbled, eyes still closed and voice hoarse coated in sleep.

"Good morning birthday boy." You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"No no, don't start that now." He gripped your hips tightly with his hands.

You giggled at him, looking over his face and down his chest. You placed your hands there to steady yourself, his chest naturally barren of most hair, though covered in freckles that became more prominent when he was in the sun. You ground your hips down on him, watching his eyes flick open quickly.

"Do start that now. Oh I beg." He whined playfully.

You ground down on him again, the grip he had on your hips tightening.

"Please?" He begged, eyes closing slowly. The sun peaking through the curtains illuminated his dark brown eyes. He tried to stop himself from bucking his hips up against you. It was hard to get alone time with work, a teenage kid,
and an incessant brother who didn't understand personal space.

"Sarah will be in here any minuet to make sure you're up. She's still getting used to me, Id rather not scar her for the rest of her life." You laughed, flicking a loose piece of hair on his forehead out of the way.

It was coming up on two and a half years of being with Joel. Sarah was a stick in the mud for the longest time about your relationship with her dad. She wasn't used to another woman in her life like that after her mom. Joel wasn't used to that either, and it took him the longest time to get over the loss of his ex and his daughters biological mom before he was able to open up again. He wanted to wait until Sarah was old enough to understand the loss, and that adults still date people too. Though after a good sit down, and a conversation telling her you weren't replacing her mom and that her dad and yourself cared for one another a lot, she slowly started warming up.

And like clock work, Sarah opened the bedroom door without knocking. She waltzed in, stopping in her tracks when she noticed you on top of Joel.

"Oh god! Get a room!" She covered her eyes with one hand while throwing the other in the air.

"We're in a room, and you just came in it. Who's problem is that now?" Joel laughed at his daughter, watching her face in disgust hiding under her hand.

"It's breakfast time nasties, get up. And get clothes on!" She found her way out of the room with her eyes still covered.

You rolled off of Joel laughing, landing next to him on the bed.

"She's going to ground me." He groaned playfully.

"Cause that's definitely how that works. Cmon birthday boy, she's making breakfast." You hit his chest playfully. He pulled you over to him, kissing you passionately.

The both of you picked through the clothes on the floor, making sure to find a pair of shorts and Joel a shirt and pants.

You took a seat at the dining table when you and Joel made it downstairs, he went to the stovetop to make him and you a plate.

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