Forever our memory- Joel Miller

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"So what was it like? Being a girl before.. you know, the end of the world?" She let out a nervous chuckle.

You smiled back at her laugh, looking down to her. She was looking back up with wide eyes full of curiosity, walking next to you happily. Ellie swung your arms enthusiastically with each step, the two of you conjoined with intertwined pinkies.

It reminded you of life over thirty years ago.

When Sarah was a tot she would hold onto your pinky for safety as you guided her throughout places like the shopping mall or grocery store. She would grab on to your pinky and tug it to pull you along to her toys when she wanted to play dollies or dress up.

And when Ellie locked her pinky with yours after you promised her safety, no matter the circumstance, it warmed your heart when the young girl began to hold your hand in such a way when you traversed the country together.

Joel stood at the beginning of the pack, preparing to take the brunt of danger if need be, like always. You and Ellie walked side by side a bit behind him, allowing a conversation to flow between the two of you. Your free hand was hovering over your hand gun tucked in its holster on your hip.

"Well I was a girl long before a fungal outbreak was a concern." You laughed back to her.

"But it was... wonderful."

"It was all about the boys, or the girls. Doing your hair just right to match your favorite outfit. Putting on makeup to impress people you liked."

"You ever do that for him?" Ellie asked, nudging her head forward to signal to Joel.

"In the beginning, sure. But when you're with someone for a long time you realize the best way to impress them is by being yourself."

Ellie nodded in understanding, looking down to her feet as you continued to walk.

You had been with Joel nearing 30 some odd years. Together long before the end of the world was even something to worry about. You had a home, a husband to be, and a kid you called your own.

"But you want to know what my favorite part was?" You nudged her with your shoulder; her wide, curious, and beautiful eyes looking back to you with wonder.

"Painting my nails. God I loved to paint my nails. It always made me feel so pretty. You could pick any color in the world and change it up whenever you wanted."


You spent the next couple minutes explaining to her how doing your nails worked. Telling her what nail polish was, and how you could find it in almost every store you went into.

"It was so great. Joel was never a fan of handing out money, but he would always give me some to go get my nails done by a professional every couple of weeks." You gawked at her, Ellie looking forward to Joel in shock. 

Joel looked back with his signature grumpy face, grumbling to himself.

"Oh shush old man. I may be talking about you, but Im not talking to you." You complained back to him. Ellie laughed in response.

"Was he always this grumpy?" Ellie asked in a hushed whisper, making you giggle back at her.

"In a different way."

"Like 'babe don't put your feet on me they're cold. Stop hogging all of the blankets. Don't drink all the coffee unless you're going to make another pot. Stop taking my clothes."  You imitated Joel, which made Ellie erupt with laughter.

Joel stopped in his tracks, turning back with a hand on his hip.

"Oh you know it's true grumpy butt. Keep walking we have places to be." You pointed a fake stern finger at him, Joel doing as told.

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