Always- Pedro Pascal

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Here's a fic request! If anyone has any requests please feel free to PM me or comment on the imagines i post!

The couch was cold, walls were grey, and air dense and stagnant.

"Come on baby." His hand reached out to you.

"Don't. If you touch me, I swear to god Dylan." You warned, angry finger pointed to his chest.

"Seriously? Baby it's not that big of a deal." Dylan's voice whined back.

All you could manage was a roll of your eyes and a stuttered breath in your chest.

"Not that big of a deal? We've had plans for my birthday for weeks now. I wasted my entire night waiting for you to get home. You know how many people I turned away because you promised me?"

You waited and watched the expressions change on his face, the way his eyes shifted with every thought.


"No. You know what? No. I'm leaving. It seemed you wanted to spend the night with anyone but me so now you get to spend it alone."

You stood up quickly from the sofa, shuffling the clothes you wore back into place. You had a dress on for your birthday celebration, finally changing into lounge clothes when clocks turned to ten thirty and your reservations had passed hours ago.

"Don't leave. Cmon let's talk about it."

His begging was pointless, your mind made up hours before he even got home.

"There's nothing to talk about. Maybe Ill see you in the morning."

You slipped on the nearest pair of shoes, throwing your bag over your shoulder.

Dylan continued to beg as you made way to the door, following you only a few feet down the sidewalk before turning back around and into the house.

As minuets passed on it somehow grew darker and darker outside. The cloudy blue sky turning black with shimmering white stars sprinkled about. The air was running cold, and your lounge shirt was providing near to nothing for heat preservation. The further you walked the harder you began to cry.

It was all so stupid.

At 35 birthdays weren't that important anymore. But banking on an evening with your boyfriend of six months, all to turn up sad and alone was one of the worst ways to spend a birthday.

The familiar wooden doors came closer and closer into view, and your feet carried you quickly to the comfort and safety of what laid behind them.

A rapping knock vibrated through the thick, dark wood as your knuckles made contact with it. And you danced your feet anxiously with a shiver from the cold night air. You found solemn in what waited behind the door for you.

The door creaked open slowly, a head of wet hair peaking through the crack.

"Hello- I- What? Amor?"

Pedro's face of unfamiliar greeting quickly turned to shock, confusion, and sadness when he finally realized the stream of tears clearing a path through the makeup left on your skin.

"Come on. Come in, it's freezing."

Pedro quickly moved out of the way, letting the door open far enough for you to sneak in before shutting it promptly behind you and locking it shut.

Pedro stood just in the entrance of his house with you, a purple towel wrapped around his waist. You caught a glimpse of suds just behind his ear that he must have missed in his rush to rinse off in the shower.

Pedro Pascal ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now