Jealous of The Rain-Pedro Pascal

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"Hey!" Sarah shouted as she busted through your bedroom door.

You groaned, mouth full of unchewed sandwich and your lap full of homework. Your bed was a awry with pens and pencils, study sheets and lose leaf paper laid around you on the blankets.

"I'm fucking busy Sarah, I have a huge exam tomorrow." You shuffled through the papers piled on your lap.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Maybe you should chew and swallow all of your fucking food before you talk?" She made a stank face, tilting her head to the side.

You quickly chewed, swallowing before opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out at her with a middle finger paired.

"I said I'm busy. I have a huge exam tomorrow and like twenty assignments due before the week is over. I don't have time for your shannanagins." You gave her a sarcastic snarling face back, gesturing quickly with your hands.

"Well too fucking bad. I met some dude, and told him we're having a house party tonight so he's coming over. I also invited Ian, Elaina, and Joey." Sarah stood proudly with her hands on her hips.

"And guess what?" You asked her sarcastically. "I won't be attending because I am busy."

You, Sarah, and Kaylie all met freshman year at NYU. You were living in dorms near each other and luckily had several classes together. You'd made a group of friends over freshman year, and the three of you decided to find housing off of campus and share expenses. It was much nicer than dorm room living, and the three of you actually had your own bedrooms and bathrooms.

No more communal showers.

Of course there was people like Sarah, best friends with everyone. She had a new friend every week, and was always inviting people over. You loved her to death, but god was she awful at listening.

"Please? He's so nice. I think you'd really like him. You don't have to actually party if you don't want to! And people aren't coming until later so you have like four more hours to study." She held on to the door frame, jumping in her spot excitedly.

"You're so lucky I love you so much, Sarah Paulson. If it wasn't me, your head would be on a stake right now."

She lept for joy at your response, squealing excitedly.

"You won't regret it! And if you manage to bomb your test tomorrow I will personally wash all of your dishes." She bargained with her signature smile.

"65 or less. And for three weeks." You pointed a finger at her.

"You heard it here first." She nodded, accepting your terms.

"Now go away I only have four hours left to study." You commanded jokingly.

Sarah smiled wide in response, tapping her fingers on the door frame before turning in her spot excitedly and scampering off.

You rolled your eyes and groaned, falling back onto your pillows. The papers around you shuffled with your movement.

"Jesus christ." You groaned, rubbing the stress from your eyes.


Sarah did have parties often, but rarely did you actually dress up. This time you decided to doll up a little. You'd always had a bit of a crush on Joey. Out of all of Sarah's friends, he was by far the least dorky. He was more of a jock, but there was still a bit of nerd to him that attracted you more than expected. So with him in attendance, you found yourself itching to put on a bit of makeup and a cute outfit.

You'd heard the commotion of people arriving, still taking your time to perfect your look for the night. And you also spent time mentally preparing for what was to come.

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