Sunday Kind of Love- Frankie Morales

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You stood at the stove, your favorite tank top on and an old pair of granny panties. After having a kid you had realized sexy little thongs weren't the only thing getting you laid. So, it was better to be comfortable.

The kitchen and dining room windows were open on the sunny, breezy Sunday morning. The curtains floated along the air and the smell of the fresh lavender you had planted in your garden last year was beginning to mix with the sweetness of the pancakes and bacon you'd spent the last half hour preparing.

"Raaaaa!" Little feet skittered by on the hardwood floor, a giggle falling from your lips as you rolled then closed your eyes.

"Maxine Flower Morales, daddy is sleeping we have to use our night night voices." You warned with a laugh, the young girl came zooming by again. She crashed into your leg, grabbing onto your calf with her free hand and her favorite toy dinosaur dangled from the other.

"But mommy the dino has to fly." She whined.

You looked down to the young girl at your feet. Her long, dark, and curly hair was ratted around her head. She had wide, puppy like dark eyes that matched her fathers perfectly.

"I know baby, but we have to let daddy sleep. Or daddy will eat all of the dinosaurs." You reared playfully, the young girl squealed in excitement before scampering off again.

The song birds outside began to chirp along with your daughters quiet laughter coming from the living room floor.

After their failed mission before, Santiago regrouped the team in the summertime to uncover the rest of the money they'd thrown in the canyon. It had been over a year, at least, and the guys decided to take small portions of this win and then give the extra to Tom's family like they had done with the other.

You'd convinced Frankie to buy a house with this assload of money. Be it an old fashioned farmhouse that had room in the back for a barn and a some livestock and enough play equipment to satisfy every age of your soon to be daughter. As a young girl chasing romance, you daydreamed about sunny summer Sunday mornings spent eating breakfast on your wrap around porch with the man you were in love with.

And this had been everything you'd pictured.

Strong, warm arms wrapped around your middle pulling a squeal from your chest. You were picked up and spun around before placed back on your feet facing the stovetop again.

Frankie tucked his head into the crook of your neck, kissing your skin softly.

"Good morning." You hummed happily, flipping the last pancake over in the pan.

"Morning baby." He squeezed you into a hug from behind.

You spun around in his arms, throwing yours over his bare shoulders. His hair was a mess, strewn about haphazardly. In moments like this you were grateful you'd convinced him to grow his hair out just a little longer than usual.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Feeling great, surprisingly. At this moment in time I plan to eat maybe three pancakes if I get lucky." Frankie laughed in response, pulling back from you and placing his hands on your hips.

"Don't be giving mamma trouble today, it's a Sunday for christ's sake. Literally." He laughed, leaned down to bring his lips to your belly underneath your tank top.

You'd just found out not too long ago about being with child for the second time. Neither of you had found out the sex yet, but Frankie prayed to a god he didn't believe in every night for a baby boy.

"Plate yourself and Maxi up?" You suggested, and by command the young girl came clamoring into the kitchen.

"Daddy!" She screamed at his feet. He laughed and rolled his eyes before letting go of you. He leaned down, scooping up the excited little girl by under her arms. He placed her on his hip.

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