Chapter 6

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"Nice day for a ride through the forest." Merlin looked back at the line of scarlet cloaks weaving between the trees. "Just how much trouble are we expecting?" He asked Gwaine who was riding alongside him. "Gwaine?" He tried again but the knight was in a world of his own.
"Nothing Gwaine couldn't handle alone," answered Leon loudly from his position just ahead of Merlin in the column, "Just reports of small raiding parties from Lot's kingdom." The King rolled his eyes and tried not to be drawn in but it was good to be riding out with the knights again. Since his last adventure, events or courtiers, seemed to have conspired to keep him castle-bound. Even his usually unpredictable knight hadn't been off on solo adventures since he left mid-training session a month ago. It seemed the squires had been paying the price for the time of relative peace.
"There's a village two miles north east." Muttered Gwaine, "Should be a good place to rest the horses and ask around."
"And a well-stocked tavern?" Called Percival pushing his horse off the path to ride alongside Gwaine. It seemed the King wasn't the only one to have noticed Gwaine's low demeanour. "Last knight with a tankard of ale to hand buys them all." He rode ahead to flank the King and Leon.
Arthur rolled his eyes, again, they should arrive like knights not a mob, he twisted around to address the column, his knights and friends. But sprang back grinning, gathered up his reins and nudged his horse forwards into a canter.

The village was a disorganised collection of small homes surrounded by neatly tended patches of tilled earth ready for winter sowing. A larger building sat roughly in the middle and already had a line of five well-fed Camelot horses tied up outside alongside some shaggier ponies when Merlin and Arthur trotted up. "We seem to have lost Gwaine already." Noted Merlin.
"He's been doing loose circle around us since the others went on ahead." Merlin's head whipped left and right trying to see Gwaine. "By the blacksmith." Laughed Arthur. Pointing out the knight who had removed his cloak and was turning into the main road to follow them to the tavern.
Merlin slid off his horse and tied it up in line before taking the reins as Arthur dismounted. They watched the unconcerned Gwaine who was letting his horse walk with long reins and smiling at several of the villagers like an old friend. "Go get us some ale, Merlin." Arthur waited for Gwaine who swung a leg over the front of the saddle and slipped off the side whilst his horse walked itself to the tie post. Arthur was sure he heard at least one woman giggling somewhere. "Trying to lose the bet?" Arthur clapped Gwaine on the shoulder and pushed him into the tavern first.
"Promised the Queen I'd keep an eye on you." He smirked, "she worries."
The knights let off a cheer as the last of their party arrived. Merlin met them at the table with three cups, Gwaine downed his in one and went straight back to the bar.
"No one seems to know anything about raiding parties here, Sire." Leon reported between sips. "But they're all definitely afraid of something."
"Raiders come on the full moon every month." Interjected Gwaine. "They're afraid you'll make them fight."
"Tomorrow night." Answered Galahad before Merlin could finish asking. "We should stay here."
Arthur's eyebrows raised at the young knight's apparent orders. He agreed, of course, and it gave them a whole day to prepare. Clearing his throat he lightly reprimanded the youngster, "Maybe you should see if there are any rooms available Galahad." There weren't.
Merlin leapt up and started towards the door but Gwaine caught his arm and pulled him back. Arthur looked to see what had caught his attention, a swirl of blue moved out through the crowd pouring in. It looked familiar but couldn't have been what startled Merlin.
"I know the area better." Gwaine patted Merlin's back, "I'll ask around for a place to sleep." He finished his drink and jogged through the people to the door.

The King watched the crowd of locals move around their table, never getting close and always watching. "A round on the King!" He shouted and handed Merlin some gold coins. A half-hearted cheer went up from the crowd. "Ask about the raids; what direction they come from."
"And how many." Added Leon
"Ask how well armed they are." Percival said holding Merlin' shoulder to keep him in place.
"I can answer all your questions." Growled an elderly farmer as he eased himself down onto a stool next to the King. "For a couple more drinks." Arthur nodded his agreement and Merlin went up the tavern owner.

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