Chapter 9

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"It would appear our new friends in Mercia" The King glanced briefly at Gwaine who had been quiet for the past week. "Want to host a feast for Merlin in gratitude for his saving Princess Arrow." The court all clapped politely, some of the knights cheered enthusiastically. Merlin was grinning like an idiot. This was going to make his head swell to unbearable levels, the King feared. "They have requested Sir Gwaine and up to three other knights to act as Merlin's escort." Arthur eyed the eager looking knights arrayed around the large table. "I believe Galahad and Tristan could benefit from some diplomatic experience." He announced. And keeping an eye on the two youngsters would keep Gwaine too busy to get into much trouble, he hoped.

Gaius was still muttering instructions to Merlin the next morning as he and the knights mounted up. The healers in Mercia were apparently the best across the seven kingdoms as he had told everyone several times over the past day. Merlin's horse clinked with every step from all the empty vials Gaius had packed in the hope of Merlin exchanging ideas.
The ride to Mercia was surprisingly quiet; they spent the nights in respectable inns and rode well trodden roads through the days. The further they got from Camelot, the chattier all three knights became. Galahad and Tristan wanted to know everything about Mercia and it's court. Merlin listened quietly to all Gwaine's stories, he had always known of Gwaine's heritage but never heard him speak about it so openly before. "You seem to know the way very well." Remarked Galahad as they passed another cross roads without hesitating.
"Must be my natural and excellent sense of direction." Replied Gwaine laconically. Merlin snorted and coughed.
"You're the only knight in Camelot originally from Mercia." Started Tristan.
"Your point being?"
"Just seems most Mercian knights want to stay there." Pressed Tristan carefully but Gwaine only grunted in reply. Merlin could see the corners of Gwaine's mouth fighting to stay down as he obstinately danced around the questions.
"Do you still have family at court?" Merlin decided to join in the questioning earning him a dirty sideways glare.
Merlin rolled his eyes at his monosyllabic friend. The woods around them were slowly thinning out and Galahad pointed to the tops of building appearing on the horizon in between the trunks. Gwaine nudged his horse forward into a trot, then a canter. The four of them sped down the widening road laughing as the messengers at the outer wall leapt onto horses and galloped to the castle; rushing to announce the visitors' arrival before they reached the inner walls.

The castle at Mercia was more utilitarian than Camelot. A simple, grey wall surrounded the lower town. The main road exited the trees and ran for several hundred yards before passing through the large gate in the wall. The gates stood open with a blue clad guard on each side. The guards nodded to the knights as they rode past at a more sedate trot.
The four of them passed under the thick wall, past multiple gates and into a bright, empty courtyard. A group of blonde haired, blue cloaked knights flowed down the steps from a large open doorway. Servants ran from the sides to hold the horses and remove bags and bedrolls. Tristan Galahad and Merlin hovered by their horses, helping the servants unload them and offering sparse directions on the care of fragile items. Gwaine left his horse loose, trusting him to wait for a servant to escort him to a stable, and ran across the courtyard into a giant four man bear-hug.
Eventually the four men released each other and walked over the rest of the Camelot group. Gwaine was smiling like he'd just found a hidden apple at the bottom of his travelling pack, he quickly made all the introductions. Prince Rowan was accompanied by his two brothers, King Alden and their younger brother Prince Crispin.
It took a while for the men to say their personal thank yous to Merlin, to have a brief tour of the main palace areas and check their belongings had been delivered before being left in a corridor of bedrooms. They only had an hour until the feast would be starting, so they quickly got washed and changed out of their travel-worn clothes. They met in the corridor afterwards, Gwaine had a blue shirt and coat on under his Camelot cloak. Galahad and Tristan looked like twins in their matching red shirts and cloaks. Merlin wore his usual red shirt, blue hanker-chief around his neck and brown coat.

"Welcome to my court!" The King started applauding and the nobles seated at the long tables in the hall copied. He waved a hand at the four empty chairs to his right which still left one empty in his left. Merlin found himself seated next to Prince Rowan, "How is Princess Arrow?" He asked quietly after the usual greetings. "We haven't seen her since we arrived."
"She's been hunting, only just got back." He indicated to the servant behind them for more wine. Merlin jumped slightly as the man he hadn't noticed slid between him and the Prince to fill their goblets. "She should be here any minute."
"And her husband?" Asked Merlin, he wanted to know who to keep Gwaine away from.
"She's not married." The Prince answered dismissively and drinking some wine. "Not in the eyes of the court anyway. No husband has ever been formally presented to the King." Merlin looked down at his plate to avoid his eyes wandering to Gwaine. He hurriedly tried to think of something to change to subject to but was drawing a blank.
Arrow strode into the hall, head high with her blonde hair in curls down her back. She nodded and smiled to some of the seated nobles as she made her way up to their table. "Apologies, my King, the hunt was longer than expected."
"It's our guests you should apologise to." Admonished the King but he got up to pull out her chair and sit her at the table. He gently patted her on the shoulder before returning to his own seat. "Now the entertainers can begin." He nodded to a group who had been stood off to the side of the hall. Merlin had assumed they were servers but the leapt into action, tumbling and leaping through the tables. One of them came to a stop in front of Merlin and started juggling.
"Almost as good as you, Merlin" Tristan laughed.
"Really?" Asked Prince Rowan. "Perhaps you should show us?" Merlin squirmed and started mumbling excuses. "Don't worry, we're here to celebrate your healing talents." He made a pointed look along the table. "Not your juggling. Plus if we wanted one of your party to play the fool, I believe Gwaine is well practiced."
The entertainment was followed by a huge feast. Servants carried in plate after plate of roasted meats and vegetables. Merlin pushed his plate forwards and leant back in his chair. Completely stuffed. Tristan and Galahad were both still stuffing their faces but Gwaine had barely eaten. He was talking non stop to Prince Crispin. Merlin tried to join in but they were talking of places and people he didn't know. Prince Rowan nudged him gently, "Crispin's always hero-worshipped Gwaine." He stifled a yawn, "he'll want to hear all of Gwaine's adventures since leaving." Merlin hoped Gwaine didn't tell Crispin about all their adventures. "I'm much more interested in why a sorcerer is serving secretly in Camelot's court." He whispered.

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