Chapter 10

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Merlin launched himself forwards his head swinging left and right to see if anyone had heard the King. No one showed any signs of having been listening. The King lightly patted him in the back as though he had been choking. "Arrow, as remittance for being late, you shall provide us with some post meal entertainment."
"Of course, my Lord." Arrow gracefully left her seat to move around the table, "anything in particular this evening." She stood opposite the king and gave a small, slightly mocking bow. The hall was silent, King Alden looked at the expectant faces at the neighbouring tables before settling on Gwaine a couple of seats away.
"Sir Gwaine, perhaps you'd be so good as to help Princess Arrow." He motioned for Gwaine to rise. "You remember how to dance I hope?" Galahad laughed loudly before Tristan elbowed him in the ribs. Gwaine slowly made his way around the table. The musicians in the corner started playing again, Arrow curtsied low once Gwaine stood in-front of her. He bowed back and  retreated two steps. Arrow rose slowly pulling long bladed daggers from each boot. She tossed one, underhand, handle first to Gwaine who smoothly grabbed it out of the air and settled into a guarded stance.
Merlin turned to ask the King what the blades were for when the clang of metal pulled his attention back to his friend. The knight and the princess were swirling around the empty space between the tables. Drawing together and springing apart perfectly in time to the quickening music. Merlin watched entranced, the dancers moved too fast for him to pick out individual moves. Occasionally there'd be a short pause,  blades locked together, dancers panting, eyes locked but one would always break away. The audience started tapping feet and clapping in time with the music; growing louder and faster.
Prince Crispin jerked sideways as a blade appeared, point stuck in the headrest of his chair. The rhythmic clapping broke into irregular applause and Gwaine bowed again, blade in hand. He flipped the blade over, holding the point and offered it back to Arrow, who bobbed a quick curtsy and stuffed it back down a boot. "Camelot has not dulled your skills Gwaine." Prince Crispin wrenched the knife from his chair and handed it along the table to the King.
"But now Princess Arrow must pay the forfeit for losing and embarrassing Mercia." King Alden stood up and the hall went silent again. "It's long past time you were married." The princesses' cheeks reddened.
"As my King demands."
"Gwaine," the knight looked up "Come sit next to me." He made his way back round the table  to where the King indicated. "Arrow, you and our honoured guest, Merlin, both look a little flushed. Perhaps you should take a walk outside." He smirked and waved forward a servant to pull Merlin's chair back. Merlin found himself being escorted out of the hall by the servant, he met Arrow by the door, she wordlessly dismissed his escort and gestured for him to go ahead through the large door.
Silently they wound themselves through corridors and up several curved staircases. Merlin wanted to ask a million questions but anger rolled off Arrow as they walked. She stopped in front of a small, heavy looking wooden door studded with iron. "We won't be overheard out here." She said softly before opening the door and again indicating for him to go first. They were on a narrow balcony which ran the length of a windowless wall overlooking the courtyard thirty feet below. A cool breeze ruffled his hair and her skirts but not cold or strong enough to be uncomfortable.
Arrow leaned on the wall looking down into the yard before turning her back to it and sliding down to sit down on the cold stone floor with her knees up to her chest. Merlin sat down opposite her, his back to the building. Arrow played with the edge of her cloak, winding it around her fingers, she looked up a few times then darted her eyes away.
"You're married to Gwaine." Merlin blurted out, Arrow nodded gently looking down at the ground. "He wasn't a knight so the court wouldn't approve?" He carried on more slowly, Arrow nodded again. "So when your brother said it's time for you to be married, he meant..."
"To Gwaine , yes."
"You don't seem very happy." Arrow's eyes remained downcast but she sighed softly and let the fabric drop from her fingers.
"I will be expected to go to Camelot."
Merlin nodded a little, it would be a big change for her. He eased himself up off the cold floor and shuffled around to sit next to her. She rocked a little as he gently nudged her side. "We're not all that bad." The corners of her mouth creeped up a little. "Sometimes Arthur is quite bearable." The frown set back in on her face. Maybe Mercian's were more touchy about insulting royals.
The door to their little balcony creeped open, Merlin started to shuffle sideways a little. Gwaine peered around the door giving them a wink before moving to sit opposite them. Arrow launched herself into his lap as soon as he sat down eliciting a small grunt from the knight. She curled up against his chest looking small and miserable. Merlin gathered his feet beneath him and used the wall for support to stand up.
"You never answered my brother's question." Arrow turned to look at him, Merlin fell back into a sitting position in silence.
"Umm, the same reason Gwaine does." He shrugged and hoped Gwaine wouldn't ask anything.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time?" She asked, obviously quoting a previous conversation. Merlin scoffed. "Very well," she started when Merlin didn't reply, "I am afraid Arthur will kill me, Gwaine and our children when he learns I have magic." She started straight at Merlin, holding his gaze. Gwaine gently stroked her back and whispered something Merlin didn't catch. He wasn't surprised at her revelation. "So I'm asking a fellow sorcerer, is it worth the risk?"
Merlin coughed and looked around, his eyes wide. Gwaine turned to look at him, and gave him a sad smile. He knew, they both knew. Merlin took a deep breath, "It's worth it." He mumbled. "Arthur's worth it."
"You're worth it." Arrow broke off her intent stare to look up at Gwaine.
"Why now?" Blurted out Merlin. "Gwaine's been at Camelot for years."
"Exactly," Arrow replied, "Gwaine, the perpetual rover, has settled." Gwaine shrugged. "I may wish he had settled here but my brother is happy to strengthen ties with Camelot."
Laughter drifted up from the courtyard below as people exited the great hall; the meal was over. Merlin yawned and leaned his head back against the wall. He tried to imagine Arthur's face when they returned with Princess Arrow as Gwaine's wife. He'd be furious that Gwaine had lied but probably relieved that the irresponsible knight wasn't about to drag Camelot into a war with Mercia over Arrow's honour. Unless Camelot found proof Arrow had magic, would Arthur sentence her to death? Would Mercia attack Camelot to save Arrow? "Maybe you should both stay here."
"I've sworn my loyalty to Arthur" replied Gwaine, "and to Camelot." He held out a hand to support Arrow as she stood up and followed her to the door. "It's late Merlin, get some rest." The cold seeped through Merlin as he sat on the stones and thought. The guard changed on the walls around him and he heard their feet drum like the drums at Arrow's execution. An owl shrieked in the night like a woman screaming in pain. Drunks shouted as they walked home, raving like men who had just watched their world burn on the order of a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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