7 - Pills

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I sighed in relief as I closed the door behind me. I hadn't expected Anatox to come, or anyone, obviously. And honestly, I liked her company. I just... didn't feel like talking right now.

I waved some smoke out of my face, coughing as I walked across the room. My hand brushed against the couch as I went, turning left and entering the small corridor that led to my room.

It was a small room, seeing that this was an apartment, and light shone in from the window that overlooked this part of the city. My satchel was lying on the nightstand, next to the item I had been searching for - a silver lighter. I picked up the small object and put the flame to the end of the cigarette. I inhaled, then exhaled, the acrid, grey smoke filling my senses.

But it wasn't that that made me lower the cigarette and turn away. Instead it was the creeping, spine-chilling feeling of eyes on me.

My gaze darted around the room, uneasiness churning in my stomach. I didn't hear anything, which should ease my paranoia.

Yet it only made it worse.

I turned back around, still on edge.

Only to be met by a monster.



My claws dug into flesh, my breathing heavy and ragged. Blood dripped from my mouth - not my own, but that of the person I had pinned to the ground. His arm was a bloodied mess - no, his arm was gone. Crimson spilled from the open socket, and the man's face was twisted in fear, agony. My right hand was heavy on his chest, weighing him down and pinning him below me.

He was trying to say something, but he was too weak to speak. Blood gurgled from the back of his throat, splattering on the ground next to him as he choked on the liquid. He screamed as I felt something break under the pressure of my hand, bone caving in beneath me. I could tell he was trying to breathe, but his ribs were probably stabbing through his lungs now. His heart was barely missed, seeing that he was still alive.

My left hand was on his still-attached wrist. I lifted it, noticing the abnormal blisters where my hand had laid. Must have been putting too much pressure. I ignored them, putting my hand back and crushing his wrist once again.

The man looked dizzy, his eyes slowly beginning to glaze over as his eyes slowly tried to close. He's losing consciousness, I realized. Right. He's probably in a lot of pain.

Why wait for him to not be present?

He inhaled sharply, a strangled gasp as my claws broke skin. My hand wrapped around something soft, and I yanked as hard as I could. The man jerked one last time before finally falling limp, head lolling to the side with dead, lifeless eyes.

His heart was still beating in my hand as I crushed the delicate organ.



I pulled my mask over my face as I entered the alleyway, slipping through the shadows as I left the open street of the city. I had left David's apartment and, out of having nothing else to do and not wanting Tonix to tear my apartment down in one of his little hallucination spells, had decided to head home. As I walked, I heard a metallic thump to my right. I turned, my sight landing on an orange feline sitting on the dumpster. Yellow eyes blinked, the cat flicking its ear at me as it sat down.

Stray cats weren't an uncommon sight here, so I wasn't very surprised to see the creature. It was probably just out hunting for mice and other rodents. What surprised me was its friendliness. The cat jumped down from the dumpster, letting out a small meow as it landed and trotting over to where I stood. It pressed its side to my leg and purred, a soft sound like a tiny generator rising from its throat as it rubbed against me.

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