I kissed Nate!_'Are you avoiding me?'

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Nate's POV

'Oh boy!'
I muttered,while Mike and I jogged down to class as Mr wells was in sight


Michelle's POV

'I just don't gerrit,why will Mr Jules gives us tons of English studies activities when he knows quite well that we do not only offer his subject...I mean?'

Jade complained as we both stride into the school's restaurant. I don't know if  I was hungry but nevertheless...

In response,I said absentmindedly


Jade asked in surprise at my response
As we both sat on the bench of the restaurant,she taking  one side of the bench and me the other, facing each other also facing the opposite direction.

'Were you listening to me at all?'

She leaned  forward,arching her brow
With a quizzical look as our regulars,chips ham burger,fries and a glass of ice tea was brought to our table.

'Yea sure I was'

I nodded in affirmative,giving her a half smile so she wouldn't read meaning to my change of countenance.


Hold up.

Jade,Jade had been my close friend since we were fresher's in this college and talking about how we met and became friends...
It happened that I had to resume freshman year two weeks later after due to some health challenges,so probably almost every fresher had  begin to adapt while I was yet to.
Jade stood up for me when the Queen bee,Only God knows who_ Stephanie,Nate's girlfriend tried messing with me even though she was a fresher too
Coincidentally, Jade and I happened to be in the same department. So I see Jade as a potential friend,we have been hanging out for quite a while now and we seem inseparable.

I know Jade won't let this one slide
She's always inquisitive about things concerning me,but still let her linger on a little.


She said placing her hands on mine,squeezing them passionately.

'I know something's wrong,you can tell'

'Nahh,am fine'
I shrugged.

'Probably just having a rough day'

'No! Mich...I won't take no for an answer,cos you look like shit for real'

She said stifling a  laughter as she shoved a chip into her mouth. A little smile lit up at the corner of my lip as I rolled my eyes good naturedly.

'Come on Mich,won't you tell?'

She pressurized. I was gonna tell her sooner or later so there was no point keeping her In the dark for this long anyways.

'Okay...' I sighed.

I leaned forward to jade and she did the same,eager to hear what I was about to say.

'I kissed Nate!'

I said in form of a whisper. Jade was dumbfounded for a while till she found her mouth.

'Am terribly sorry,you what?!
She exclaimed almost at the top of her voice.

'Nate and I kissed yesterday night when I brought him back  home from the party,he was so drunk and started going nuts,so I drove him down to his house,I wanted to clean him up or something only for him to pull me and kiss me and I kissed him back..."

I said without catching a breath,as I panicked than ever

'Just take a deep breathe and calm down...but what the f***!'
she said her mouth dropped for a moment.

"I know right?"
I asked rhetorically,nodding my head in agreement.

"This is so fucked up..."

"What's so fucked up?"
Mike showed up at our table taking the space next to me,interrupting Jade.

He demanded,looking from my face to Jade's while stuffing his mouth with my fries.

"Umm...it's nothing,it's just girl stuff"

Jade said,scratching the back of her neck nervously,while I fixed my gaze on the glass in front of me.

"Uuhhhh...sounds interesting "
Mike teased,leaning forward as he moved his brow up and down casually.

"Mike,not a time for your pestering"

I said,finally in a rather exasperating tone as I buried my head in my palms,then taking them up only to see Nate coming towards our table,behind Jade. I sprinted from the table, taking my things as I almost tripped.

Jade's POV
I turned my back to see what might have scared Michelle off only to see Nate walking towards our table

Oh boy,this is not good

"Is something wrong with Michelle?, she's been acting all weird ever since"

He asked, getting to the table looking at both Mike and I

"Am as well taken aback man"
Mike shrugged


"I don't know either"
I said,flatly,trying not to make eye contact with him.

He scurry after Michelle. You might be wondering what big of a deal is a kiss. The problem isn't the kiss but with whom. Nate is more like a brother to Michelle so that's much of the deal. You get my drift.

Nate's POV
I ran after Michelle as I saw her walking towards the lobby side that led down the stairs of the building we where in. I wonder what could be the problem, because I don't remember offending her for her to pull such stunts on me.
I heard footsteps going swiftly down the stairs,sprinting towards the stairs I saw her about taking the last layer of the stairs when I jumped over the railings and blocked her way.

We looked at each other panting heavily,as she tried avoiding my eyes on hers but my eyes held hers as I pinned her to the wall

Michelle's POV

There was no way to run now cos he towered over me as we stood on the flat, tight corner that led up and down the stairs,My back pinned to the wall as I felt his hot breath not longer than six inches away from my face

'What are you doing...Nate?'

I almost stammered,looking straight into his face as I gulped really hard.

"No you tell me, what are you doing? What's this sudden bolting and weirdness you  have going on,are you avoiding me?"

He inquired,searching my face for some possible answer,bombarding me with questions.

"Did something happen last night in the party or after?"

He said angling his head,while resting his palms on the wall,with my small frame in between

"Umm...yea!, about the party..."

I was trailed off when he cupped my cheek looking at my right eye then to my left before tracing the gaze down to my lips before leaning in...

'What's going?'

A Ladies voice echoes from the bottom of the stairs...


Okay,any Guesses?🤔😁
What's actually going on?
Who's the lady at the stairs
And is Nate about to kiss Michelle without the influence of alcohol?
Will Michelle let him If at all?

Till I come your way again. ciao🤗

Please don't forget to vote,comment,share most importantly😭😽❤

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