Some Juicy News

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Ashley's POV

I kept glancing over at Michelle,Nate then at Stephanie during General study class as a smirk sprawled across my face. I couldn't just wait to throw the bomb and act clueless about it.
I watched Stephanie,Stacey and Bianca slip out almost to the end of General study class through the back door. I was quite sure she was going to the ladies to redo her makeup and maybe some girl stuff which was pretty much of her routine.
Stephanie nodded her head  to the direction of the door as she cat walked out, meaning I should come with. There was no other time to get things over with. I made an evil smirk before standing up from the chair casually so I won't distract others and make Mr Paul notice that we were skipping class. I took my stuff along cos classes would probably be over before we got back and General study was the last lecture for the day for all the department that offered it which is literally the whole school. So you could imagine how stuffed up the class would be.

"Hey girls"
I said, giving Stephanie and Bianca who were in front of the mirror doing their makeup a high five.

"Hey what's up Stacey"
To Stacey who I saw her black and black and white Nike sneakers,and her jeans pulled down above her sneakers,beneath the toilet's half door,before I sat on the sink cabinet attached to the mirror with small white bulbs running the top of the mirror down to the end giving it a sorta ring light vibe as I watched Stephanie and Bianca do their thing.

I paused for effect,glancing at both of them mischievously.

"What Ash? I know when you act like this something's up or you have something to say"
Stephanie said, dropping her blush brush and looking up at me.

"Trust me you would love this one"

Would she?

Since it involved her so called boyfriend,and that annoying kid Michelle so she  would definitely avert the anger from me.

"I have some juicy news.
I paused for a while to see their reactions as Stacey came out of the toilet squealing in excitement,before the sound of the toilet flushing was heard.

Urgh! Girls...
I rolled my eyes.

While  Stephanie just stood clicking her tongue with an impressive smile across her face.

" Alright Ash,spill!"
Steph said,leaning on the sink arms cross,eager to hear me out.

"I got to the apartment Michelle and I share when I over heard her telling jade about what happened between she and Nate,Sunday night after the party..."

Steph blinked her eyes momentarily,more interested than ever at the mention of Nate's name.

"... I heard her telling jade about how she drove him home to his apartment because of he was all drunk and stuff,goodness knows what happened next..."

I was about continuing when I was interrupted by Stephanie's impatience.

"Do you want me to die of curiosity, just go on"

I waved her off and continued.

"...they had sex"

Stephanie clutched
my Navy blue,ripped Jean in shock

"Are you serious?"

Bianca asked in a tone of disbelief,one eye brow raised with her arms across her chest.

"Peanut butter and jelly am not even capping" I snorted

"This had better not be a cock and bull story or Amma.!"

She said with her accentuated words as she packed up her kit and shoved it into her nude coloured Louis Vuitton bag before storming out of the Ladies.

"This had better be true Ash.."
Came Stacey,followed by a sigh as she  swayed out of the Ladies

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