Music and the Past

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Kimi and I walked out of the music room and was walking towards one of the other music rooms because I wanted to practice a little before I went home.

"So you want to tell me what that was back there?" Kimi asked finally getting the question that I knew she was dying to ask.

"Well I don't know much about what happened between them. Although I can tell you that Saki and Kyoya have always seemed to fight whenever they're in the same room." I said explaining to her, "They seem to have an old grudge and that's about all that I know about it."

We finally got to another music room.

"Do you want to sit and listen or do you have to go home?" I asked her

"I'll sit and listen I don't have to be home just yet." Kimi responded

"Okay then take a seat." I said before taking a seat in front of the piano.

I started to play the songs that I needed to practice for my concert. I couldn't wait until I got to perform these because I just created some new songs. I finished playing the song when I heard clapping. Now this wouldn't be so surprising because Kimi was in the room but it wasn't only Kimi clapping when I turned around. Standing at the entrance to the music room was Haruhi.

" not to be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" I asked her

Ya, I know that Haruhi is a girl. I'm not that stupid I mean come on it's pretty obvious.

"Well I was walking by the door when I heard something I decided to come and see what it was." Haruhi said

" long were you standing there?" I asked

"Well I heard most of the song. You sounded really good."

"Thanks, Haruhi. I'm glad that you liked it."

"What are your names because you already know mine."

"Well I'm Kimi Sato and that's Kayumi Nagafuchi." Kimi said introducing us

"Nice to meet you two. You two are friends with the girl that was arguing with Kyoya earlier aren't you? Do you by any chance know what that was about earlier with your friend and Kyoya?" Haruhi asked.

I guess that she was curious about it as well.

"Well Kayumi told me that it was an old grudge that she didn't really know the details about."

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my bag to see what it was about. I noticed that it was a message from my dad. He wanted to come back home now and to help him test out some instruments for him.

"Well I have to go right now. Kimi, I'll text you later and Haruhi it was nice talking with you. See you tomorrow." I said before going to the front to my limo.

I got home and went to my room so that I could change out of my school uniform. Once I got into more comfortable clothes I went to the music room that we have in our house. We have it around so that I could practice and so that if my dad needs to test anything out or record anything we have our own space play our instruments in. I walked into the music room to see my dad in the middle of a circle of instruments. After about an hour of testing out different instruments it was time for dinner. After dinner I went into my room and did any homework that I had due the next day. By the time I finished it was around 7:30 so I decided to take a shower and change into my pajamas.

I sat in bed for about 2 hours lost in thoughts and memories. The first thing that I thought about was how much the twins had changed since middle school. In middle school they used to be so shut off from the world and only cared about each other. Now not so much. I remember my mom helping their mom with photoshoots when we were younger. I found a way to be able to tell the twins apart.

The twins and I were sitting in the room watching our moms work. I was starting to get bored so I walked up to the twins.

"Hey, can I play with you guys?" I asked them

"You can play with us if you can guess which one of us is Hikaru." They said together

"Alright." I said looking at them.

I looked between them and thought about how they were acting for since I meet them. I may be young but I'm very observant about things. I guess that's what happens when your mother is very detail oriented.

"That's Hikaru" I said pointing at the twin on the right.

"You're wrong."

"No! I'm right." I said

They looked me in shock and I just smiled to myself.

I smiled remembering how shocked they were the first time I told them apart. I would play with them every time I went with my mom after that until I stopped going in order to work on my music. It has been such a long time since then that I highly doubt they remember about me. Then we went to the same middle school and I remember what they would do to the girls who wrote them love notes. That was the only reason that I never told Kaoru about how I felt about him. I didn't want that to happen to me. I guess I could tell him now but I don't even think that he really notices me other than the fact that I was one of their guests today. It not like it matters Kaoru doesn't even like me the way that I like him.

Then my thoughts drifted to what happened earlier today. I wonder why Saki and Kyoya always fight. I want to know why they are constantly fighting with each other and what started it all. It seems like this has been going on for awhile. I should probably ask but it doesn't seem like a topic that Saki would want to talk about. Also why does Saki constantly have her right eye covered and again I don't know if she would tell me she can be secretive about certain thing and this is one of them.

Eventually my thoughts drifted to what was coming up next week. I wonder what Saki new clothes are going to look like. I'm excited to be able seem them and be able to photograph them for the magazine. I'm happy that Saki choose me to photograph her designs when she started to put them in the magazine. I also can't wait for my concert. It's going to be so fun. With those thoughts going through my mind I drifted to sleep.

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