Passageways Everywhere and Murderous Friends

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"Deeper" Saki yelled for what was probably the 20th time.

"I can't!" Kaoru yelled back.

"Saki, breath." I said trying to get her to calm down.

"Fuck you! He needs to match his brother's voice or Kimi will never follow him into the maze!!"

Ok, so right now we were trying to get Hikaru and Kimi together. Saki with her awesome design skill made Kaoru look exactly like Hikaru. The problem is that Kaoru's voice is too high to fool her.

"We've been at this for hours! I physically can't go that low or I go too low!" Kaoru yelled again

"I have a new idea," I said gaining their attention,

"Why doesn't Kaoru just go up and kiss her then RUN!!!" I said emphasizing the run.

"If you're ok with that," Kaoru said clearly unsure about the plan.

"If you bolt it, I'm sure we'll be fine," Saki said

We agreed to it and I went to get Hikaru into the maze to accomplish my part of the plan.

"So Hikaru when are going to ask Kimi out?" I asked trying to distract him long enough for Kaoru to get in the maze.

Right now Hikaru and I were wandering around the maze. I heard footsteps in the distance and it was getting closer. When Hikaru looked to where they were coming from I got into the secret tunnel. We got Mori to build it for us and he's a fast worker. I found Saki and we waited to go find Kaoru. We looked up and saw that Kaoru was about to come face to face with Hikaru. I pulled him into the bush while Saki covered his mouth.

"SHHHH. Quiet." we whispered at the same time.

The three of us went down into the tunnels to watch the scene unfold. We saw that after seconds we went down that Kimi came in.

"Hikaru, you got some explaining to do."

"What?" Hikaru asked completely confused

"Oh, don't play dumb right now. I'm not in the mood." Kimi said

"What did I do?" Hikaru asked still confused

Kimi then just ran up and kissed him. Okay I wasn't expecting her to do that.

"It's rude to just run away after you kiss someone."

"But you just kissed me."

"Well now but I meant earlier." Kimi said trying to explain what she meant

"We should start running." I said

"Let's just watch this play out." Saki said

"Not a great idea" I said

Saki just ignores me and keeps watching what's going on.

"I didn't kiss you earlier." Hikaru told Kimi

"Yeah you- I'm going to kill them." Kimi said


"I'm going to kill Saki, Kyoya, Kayumi, and Kaoru." Kimi said in the happiest way possible.


"Saki dressed Kaoru up as you and he kissed me. I'm pretty sure that Kayumi brought you in here and as for Kyoya I'm sure that he is involved some how." Kimi explained

"Let's find them."

We ran off when we heard that.

"I'm pretty sure we're fucked." Saki said as we ran "Okay remember the plan. Spilt up and get to Kyoya who is in the middle of the maze. If you get caught run away and try to get them off your trail."

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