Chp 5: Our Dark Past

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3rd POV

The guards have taken Vox Machina to the throne room where Uriel is enraged by the recent event that was cause by Vox Machina.

Uriel: You've ruin our banquy, assaulted political allies, and risked the security of the realm. Throw them in irons!

Guard: You heard him. Come with me.

Vox Machina were about to resist until Allura convince Uriel that she will see that they are properly punished while Uriel get some rest after a long evening. He agrees and left for the night.

Vex: Allura, something is very wrong with Uriel. He's under the Briarwoods influ, I can feel it.

Allura: That is a considerable accusation. Do you have proof?

Vex: No. But I can get it. I just need time and access to-

YN: (Interrupts.) Silas is a vampire who has the ability to manipulate anyone. He did it to ensure Uriel at the dinner so he wouldn't be suspicious about the Briarwoods.

Allura: I find that to be difficult to believe it. (Sigh.) Emon owes you a debt, but that does not mean you are above the law. Though perhaps Uriel is being too brash.

Until this is resolved, you are hereby confined to your keep under house arrest.

The group then tries to protest about the house arrest.

Grog: How can you arrest a house!?

Pike: (Comfort Grog.) Okay. Thank you, Lady Allura.

Allura: I'll convene a formal inquiry at once. Your fate will be determined once we hear the Briarwoods side of the story. If they'll even speak to us anymore.

YN: Lady Allura, the Briarwoods are up to something. Even if they wanted to speak to you, they'll just lie.

Allura: I'm sorry. But until there's proof, you will be under the house arrest.

YN: Allura-

Vex stops him for speaking further.

Vex: Just leave it.

YN looks away disappointed.

Time skip

They were taken to their home. the guards tied Trinket by the tree and took their weapons, including Scanlan lute.

Scanlan: Get your filthy hands off my instrument!

Jarett: The more you resist, the longer this will take.

Scanlan: Come on, man. Its not a weapon! I just want to serenade the group!

Vax: Then you're doing us a favor.

Jarrett: Your belongings will be returned if you are Exonerated. All points of egress to this compound are being surveilled. If you attempt to escape, you will be executed.

Vax: Are you fucking joking?

Jarett: I do not joke. I advise that you sit tight and wait for sovereign's inquiry.

Grog: And what, we're supposed to sit here?

Jarett: (Smirk.) You have the run of your keep. I'm sure you will find something to entertain yourselves.

Jarett shuts the door while everyone was frustrated.

YN: (Sigh.) I warned you guys about the party, I warned you. But did you guys listen? Nuuuuuuu. Well its always the same.

Vex: Oh shut up, we get it now.

Short time skip

Everyone mind their own business while they're lock up. Grog is just lifting weights, Pike is checking her broken necklace, Percy is looking at the map, Scanlan is looking at the book that Vax stole from the Briarwoods, and the rest are doing nothing until Percy tells Grog to stop because he's distracting him.

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