I Promise - Trevor Zegras

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You can request anything in the comments fr cause I need stuff to write I have like no good ideas y'all

I was laying down on my best friend Trevor's bed as he was sitting at his pc and playing video games.

"Trev," I said, turning my head to face him.

"Hm?" He asked, too focused on his game to turn and look at me. I played with his comforter a little bit.

"Trev, promise me that when you become this big famous hockey player that you won't forget me" I said looking at the back of his head. When he heard me he pushed his headphones off his head and turned in his chair to face me.

"What makes you think I'll forget my best friend?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know just promise" I said throwing a pillow at him, he caught it and threw it back at me.

"Fine... I promise" he said, "but only if you promise that when you become this amazing famous author you won't forget about me." I smiled and laid under his comforter, it didn't take long for him to jump on top of me and lay with me.

"I won't get famous for writing books trev, but I promise" I whispered to him as we both slowly fell asleep.

Our parents and even my older siblings have always said we were soulmates. Being 12 years old we didn't know what that meant or why they said it.

~time skip to now~

I was at Trevor's game watching him play, the ducks were doing good so far.

They ended up winning and I ran to meet up with Trevor before he went into the locker room.

"Trev wait real quick" I yelled seeing him about to walk in. He turned and smiled at me.

"Sorry I have to leave, my family's going crazy about the books I've been writing and they are making me go to dinner with them. You did good" I said giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek. He smiled at me.

I'm an author and my parents are very proud of that so they decided to fly out to Anaheim from New York and plan a celebratory dinner for me. Trevor's parents came to Anaheim too but to watch their son play hockey.

"Thanks, I'll drop by the restaurant later, your mom sent my family the details so they might be there" Trevor said. I smiled and hugged him again.

"Bye, see you later" I said running off. I faintly heard a bye from Trevor but I needed to get out of this place before I wasn't able to leave.

When Trevor became a Duck I moved with him, we were the best of friends. Our promise was never broken and never will be.

I got to the restaurant and I saw my family, Trevor's family, and our hometown friends from high school who also apparently came to Anaheim. My parents also had multiple boxes of my books.

"Here she is" my dad said loudly, "here's our amazing author." I smiled shyly.

"Hey my favorite little sister I just read your autobiography" my brother Jeremy said. My newest book was just a little autobiography, according to my agent my autobiography sold out faster than all my other books.

"Hi Jer" I said embarrassed, my autobiography had a certain part that spoke about my not so secret crush on my best friend Trevor Zegras.

"So that part about the promise with Trevor and everything" Jeremy said. I pushed him.

"Stop" I groaned. Jeremy's wife Anna walked up to us with their kids.

"Auntie y/n!" My oldest nephew said.

"What's up Andrew?" I asked crouching down to hug him.

"I missed you, where's Uncle Trevor?" Andrew asked, Trevor was around the kids a lot that they started calling him uncle.

"Right here" I heard a voice say behind me. Andrew opened his mouth to like he was going to scream and ran over to Trevor. Trevor picked him up and spun him around.

"Hey little guy" Trevor said. I blushed, watching the man I was in love with being good with kids made me happier than happy.

After a couple of hours I was driving home, I heard that Trevor got a teammate to drive him to the restaurant which meant I had to drive him home. It was an awkward drive because I found out my dad got Trevor to read the part about us in my autobiography, basically telling Trevor I am in love with him.

When we got to the apartment I quickly unlocked the door and ran to my room.

"Y/N we need to talk" Trevor said outside my bedroom door.

"Nope, not doing this" I said, pacing around my room. I heard him sigh and I kept pacing nervously.

"Come on y/n, we have to talk, you can't avoid this forever" Trevor said.

"Trev I can't deal with this right now, I never thought you'd ever read the book, I never thought about what this would do to our friendship" I said sitting against my door.

"Y/N please just listen to me, I like you too, I have since freshman year of highschool" he said. I sat there speechless.

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better, Trev," I said. I had come to the conclusion that he was lying about liking me.

"It's not a lie, look I like you a lot more than you know, I just didn't tell you back then because I was scared you didn't like me back" Trevor explained.

I slowly stood up and opened my door, I saw Trevor sitting down next to my door, his arms resting on his knees. He looked up to me and smiled slightly.

"I've liked you since we made that promise" I whispered, he smiled more and I sat down next to him placing my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and laid his head on top of mine.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Trevor asked me. I nodded and looked up at him.

"Yeah" I said. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and we ended up talking for the rest of the night.

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