Larkins Little Sister - Lucas Raymond

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Sorry if this sounds rushed, bc I kind of rushed it sorry😭😭😭.
Sorry for not updating for a bit, I had finals then like three days after school ended I was on vacation and didn't get back until way late Saturday night. But I'll try to update more sorry!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

Growing up I had always been told to stay away from my brothers teammates. I didn't want to because hockey players are hot, but sadly most of the teammates saw me as sort of a little sister because of how much I was around them.

My older brothers Colin and Dylan played hockey, Dylan and I were closer than Colin and I. I couldn't really get along with Colin when we were younger, I'm not sure why, but as we got older we got better. I'm still closer with Dylan.

"Dyl, I'm bored" I groaned. I was currently laying out on the sofa in Dylan's living room. Basically my living room too, I had just moved in with Dylan because my parents didn't trust me alone while I was off at college. And I also purposely got into a college near where Dylan lives so I could hang out with my brother.

"Go for a run," he suggested. I sat up and looked at him.

"Do you know how many men like taking young women who are alone?" I said.

"Then don't go for a run" he said back with a shrug.

"But what am I supposed to do?" I groaned, flopping back down on the sofa, laying out on it.

"Well some of the team is coming over to just hang if you wanna meet them" Dylan said. I shrugged.

"I guess I can do that, there's nothing better to do in this boring house" I joked. Dylan pretended to be offended and laughed.

Everyone came over at around 6:30 pm. Dylan introduced me to everyone and most of them decided to play chel. Some even decided to watch it. I mean do professional hockey players' lives really revolve that much around hockey???

"Dylan you're so boring" I joked. He smiled a little.

"I'm sure I am" he joked back, focusing very hard on the game. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to get some water.

I grabbed a cup and filled it up practically chugging the water.

"Someone's thirsty, huh?" A guy asked. I looked at him trying to remember which one he was. He was very attractive, like very attractive.

"Just a little bit, which one are you?" I asked. Realizing how weird it sounded I decided to clarify.

"I mean which teammate of Dylan's are you?" I asked again.

"Lucas Raymond," he said back. I nodded.

"You're hot," I said with a shrug. I didn't have a filter sometimes, some people found it odd but it was normal for me.

"Thanks, you're hot too," he said back. I blushed a little.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"I'm twenty one, you?"

"I'm also twenty one." We stood there just looking at each other, letting our eyes talk for us. It was fine until Dylan walked into the kitchen and gave me a stern look. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back out to the living room.

I spoke with the guys, mainly Lucas, until they all decided they should leave. I didn't care about anything Dylan said about his teammates when it came to Lucas. He was literally perfect, Dylan's stupid rules or whatever can suck it.

"Hey, y/n" Lucas said, getting my attention quickly, he handed me his phone.

"Give me your number, maybe we can talk more," he said. I smiled and put my number in his phone.

"I expect a text later, maybe if you wanna be brave, a call" I said to him with a smile. He looked around and quickly kissed my cheek.

"Talk to you later, beautiful" he said. I blushed at that.

"Yeah" I said with a smile. After Lucas walked out the door my brother closed it and locked it.

"I swear y/n if you plan on doing anything with any of my teammates" Dylan said sternly.

"Calm down Dylan, I'm an adult and I make my own decisions. I don't need you treating me like a baby, if I want to date, or hook up, or even talk to your teammates I don't need your approval. Goodnight" I said walking into my room and closing the door. I might have over reacted but I've been told point blank all my life that teammates are off limits no matter how much I like them.

My phone buzzed.

2 messages from unknown number
Hi beautiful
It's Lucas btw

I smiled and changed his contact to "hottie🫣🤭"


Hi beautiful
It's Lucas btw

Hello handsome
It's y/n btw

Aw you think I'm handsome
now 😱

Oh hush

We should go on a date

Omg the hottie from the kitchen
is asking me out😱
Let me think
We should

Making reservations as
we speak
Monday night good for you?

It's perfect

Just like you

Just like you😉

You're calling me perfect 😱

I take it back
You're the opposite of

Too late babe, you
already said it🤷‍♂️

So I'm babe now hm?

Oh, I didn't even notice
I put that

No don't be sorry, I like it

Then I'm not sorry

Well I gotta go to sleep I've
got stuff to work on tomorrow

Goodnight beautiful

Goodnight handsome

I plugged my phone in and did my nightly routine. Then after changing into my pajamas I went to bed, thinking about Lucas Raymond the whole time.

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