Moving - Ryan Graves

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This is actually so bad but I've been having bad writers block recently so this is what I could do🤷‍♀️. Keep requesting and please put a prompt or a little explanation of what you want the story to be or smth bc it's so hard to think of them myself🙏🙏.

Being 6 months pregnant and having a toddler while having to move is not something I was hoping for, but there's nothing I can do about it because my husband got traded. I mean at least it was only in a different but close state and not across the country but it still sucked.

"Babe, I'll take care of the boxes and some of the boys are going to come over to help us. So you can just rest, I don't need you too stressed out" Ryan said kissing my forehead. I sighed, sitting down on the couch. I didn't want to leave, New Jersey had been my home for two years. Well more than that because before I even met my husband I had lived in New Jersey for a while.

"I'm just sad about it, Auggie will have a tough time adjusting to his uncles not showing up randomly everyday" I said talking about our 3 year old son August. We were in Colorado when Auggie was born, and for the first year of his life. But for the past two years New Jersey has been his home. So all the guys on the team were basically his uncles.

"I know, I know. But we'll still be close enough that if we want to spend the weekend with one of the guys or something we can" Ryan said.

"Yeah, but still I don't like change," I said. Ryan rubbed my shoulders, he was standing behind me while I was sitting on the couch.

"It'll be all good babe," Ryan said, kissing my head. Just after he did that the doorbell rang. August ran to his dads side when Ryan went to the door and opened it.

"Uncle Jack Jack," August yelled, he's called back that since the first time they watched the incredibles together. I turned to watch my son cling onto Jack Hughes' leg. Behind him I saw Luke, Nico, Dawson, and Michael.

"Hey buddy" Jack said with a smile, picking the toddler up and walking into the house so everyone else could.

"Hey y/n" Jack said walking to the couch. He put August down next to me.

"Hi Jack" I said with a sad smile. Jack had become like a little brother to me for the time I've known him, and he treats me like family too.

"I'm going to visit you guys all the time, I hope you know that," Jack said. I laughed a little.

"You better, I'll beat you up if you don't" I joked. We spoke for a little longer before he had to go help the guys load the boxes into the u-haul large trailer we rented.

"Mommy what's happen?" August asked me, he never really paid attention to what was going on around him.

"We're moving baby" I told him. He looked at me confused.

"Movin?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, daddy got moved to a different team so we are going to Pittsburg, we aren't going to live here anymore" I said. He started pouting, the way he did when he was going to cry.

"We no live here?" He asked, tears began to pool in his eyes.

"Hey baby it's okay, we will be back soon, and your uncles will still see you a lot just not as much" I said rubbing his back. He clung onto me, hugging me. I rubbed his back trying to make sure he was calm.

"Babe everything's ready" Ryan said, standing by the front door.

"Okay" I said. August let go of me so I could stand up, when I was up I picked him up. I slowly walked outside, walking up to the guys.

Goodbyes were always hard for me. These guys became family to me, more than anyone else I've met and became friends with.

I was fine when I said goodbye to Nico, Dawson, and Micheal. But Luke and Jack were harder.

"I'll miss you two so much" I said, tears brimming my eyes. I think I could blame the tears on the hormones.

"I'll miss you much more y/n" Luke said, hugging me tight. The tears started flowing. Luke held me a little tighter.

"I'll literally visit you whenever, you're basically my older sister at this point" Luke said.

"Thank you Luke," I said. I hugged him quickly again then hugged Jack.

"I'll miss you so much Jack" I said. He hugged me tightly.

"I promise I'll miss you more, Luke and I will both miss you so much" he said back. I wiped my tears away and kissed both of their foreheads.

"You better call us when you get to your new house" Luke said.

"I will, I promise."

We finished saying our goodbyes, August making everyone cry with his. Ryan then got in the car, I put Auggie in his seat in the back then sat up front.

"I miss Uncle Jack Jack and Uncle Lukey," August said. I smiled looking back at him.

"It's okay baby, they will come visit us all the time" I said.

Sure maybe having to move from somewhere you felt so at home at was hard but the memories that were made with the team, my son, and my husband were what kept me going. They made me power forward and deal with everything we have to deal with for moving and selling our house.

And maybe being 6 months pregnant in the middle of this wasn't ideal but it is what it is.

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