Chapter Thirty-Four

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The sun wasn't as strong as yesterday as it peaked through the curtain's gaps. The heater was still on, humming through out the empty room when I noticed Michael wasn't in bed. Instead, he was up and buckling his belt; finishing off by fixing the collar of his black sport polo long sleeve.


Oh ew! My voice croaked even worse than yesterday! What the fuck was that?!

He quickly turns, also startled by what came out of my vocal chords.

"I shouldn't be surprised, but given by the way you were breathing last night, I can't say that this wasn't likely to happen."


My voice was at a loss and so was the ability to get out of bed. My head felt like it weighed over hundred pounds; I could barely hold it up to keep eye contact with Michael.

"I take it you're also not feeling so good?"

He walks over to my side, placing a hand over my forehead when he frowns,

"I think you have a fever Love."

I wanted to fight back and say that I was fine, but this time, I could barely find the energy to talk.

He purses his lips to the side, deliberating a thought in his head when he says, "I think I'll just stay with you for today."

And miss his chance to be with his Grandpa?!

"No!" My voice ached. "You need to be with him!"

"And leave you alone sick and on Christmas Day?" He shook his head. "That doesn't sound like a good idea."

"But you said you would go."

"I know I did, but I don't want to go without you." He says honestly. "And I most certainly don't want to leave you in this state."

No, he has to go. Grandpa doesn't have enough time.

"Catherine said that they need you." I said. "I don't want to be that obstacle for you when it comes to your family. I really want you to go."

"My family is always wanting for me to be with them. It's not like anything's changed or that I don't see them enough. The relationship with my family and I is a bit more complicated than what you know so far. Trust me when I tell you that I see them plenty."

"Ok, but what about Grandpa?" I asked.

"Grandpa... is a different story." He sighs in defeat. "Are you sure you will be okay if I went go see him?"

"Of course i'm okay with that."

I took his hand off my forehead, holding it close to my face to assure him it was alright.

"I just want to rest up for the rest of the day. I don't feel so hot and, well, if I did catch something, I don't think I'd like pass it on to Grandpa in his current condition you know?"

He nods, understanding the risk.

"Alright, but I won't be gone for too long. I promise i'll be back by this afternoon the latest."

"And I'll be here." I smiled weakly. "Now go on, get outta here. I'm going back to sleep."

With a quick kiss on my cold lips, he took off for the day and I returned to a deep slumber.


The first time I woke up was from the excessive heat that flowed in the room. I tried to sleep with the covers off, but that didn't help in the slightest. After I forced myself out of bed to turn off the heater, I went back asleep to only wake up again around four pm. It was still too damn hot.

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