Chapter 10

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"Don't take up so much space, Kageyama!"

"Stop pushing so much!"

"I want out, too!"

"Not everyone at once!" Daichi's tired voice could be heard from somewhere inside the bus.

Somehow, Tobio had managed to get himself tangled up between Hinata and Ennoshita, sandwiched between the bus doors that were blocked by Tanaka and Nishinoya. The two had wanted to be the first to get outside at all costs. Now, they were all stuck. It was chaos, to say the least, and Tobio wished Hinata hadn't pulled him along to follow right on Nishinoya's heels.

Once they were all out of the bus and through the entrance controls, the amusement park finally spread in front of them; a wild blaze of color and people.

Tobio stared. He wasn't sure how he had expected the amusement park to be, but he certainly hadn't thought that it would be that... much. There were attractions everywhere, no matter where he let his eyes wander, and so many people were running around. He wondered how they would be supposed to get through the masses of bodies. Music and techno sounds were coming from every direction and a sweet smell lingered in the air.

Hinata had stopped right next to him, his mouth slightly ajar as his eyes flickered from one attraction to the next. "Can we go to the rollercoaster first?" he asked and his voice sounded pressed with excitement.

"How basic," Tsukishima snorted with a derogatory look at Hinata. "But what else could have been expected from a simpleton like you...?"

Hinata's expression darkened as he marched towards him, probably on a mission to defend the greatness of rollercoasters. Yamaguchi and Sugawara sighed.

"No way," Asahi stated, and Tobio's gaze shot over to him, distracted from the argument. "Not a chance of you getting me on this thing." It was hard to tell with the golden light of the beginning sunset, but he looked a little pale.

"But Asahi!" Nishinoya complained, his shoulders sagging in exasperation. "Rollercoasters are the most fun out of all of the things you can do in an amusement park!"

Asahi looked down at their libero as if he had just announced that he liked watching horror movies to fall asleep. "There are tons of things we could be doing instead. What about the carousel over there? That looks enjoyable," he tried to suggest.

"Yea, for toddlers," Nishinoya said and grabbed Asahi's arm. "You gotta learn to get a little more courage, and I know just the right attraction for that."

"Guess you shouldn't have complained about the rollercoaster, now he's probably abducting you to the horror coaster," Tanaka laughed.

Unceremoniously, Nishinoya grabbed Tanaka's arm as he passed him. "You're joining us," he announced.

"Huh!?" Too stunned to speak, Tanaka mercilessly got pulled into the endless crowd.

"Well, I guess that means that we're parting into smaller groups," Sugawara said and shrugged. "We'll meet again in a few hours. Keep an eye on your phones."

"Let's go, Kageyama!" Hinata called, apparently done with arguing with Tsukishima, and started off further into the hustle of visitors. Tobio followed him, albeit more slowly as he watched what happened around him.

Everything was so colorful. A yellow and red carousel was flickering with golden lights as the shrill laughter of children mixed with the loud tune of the speakers. Right next to it, a group of teenagers were throwing darts at a wall full of colorful balloons, hooting when one of them popped. Trying to take everything in at once, Tobio's eyes flickered from one bright booth to the next.

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