Chapter 22

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A satisfying thump resounded through the gymnasium as Hinata's spike smashed into the other side of the court. They were more in sync than ever before, and it felt good.

"Nice," Hinata commented, a content grin on his lips.

Coach Ukai nodded at him in approval. "Good to have you two back to normal in time for the match," he said, then took a new ball from Yachi's hands for Ennoshita's warm-up spike.

"Imagine what Date Tech would have thought of us if we didn't even serve them our signature duo," Tanaka said, patting Hinata on the shoulder as he stepped into line behind him. Hinata grinned.

It was the day before the start of the Christmas holiday, and Mr. Takeda had successfully scheduled a practice match with Date Tech for them. Tobio was looking forward to it, to finally put all the things he had learned in Tokyo to use in a real match. The tips of his fingers were tingling zestfully.

When the gymnasium door opened a few minutes after they finished their warm-up, Tobio could immediately feel the adrenaline rushing into his veins, sharpening his gaze. His teammates stopped what they were doing and watched as the coaches greeted each other and the Date Tech players crowded into the gymnasium.

The air was tense as everyone locked eyes with each other. Tobio avoided being part of the staring by studying their bodies, assessing how much they had physically changed since the last time they had seen each other. It wasn't easy to tell through the loose clothes they were still wearing, but the way they were holding themselves alone was telling him enough. They had definitely not been sitting around doing nothing for the past few weeks. Not that he had expected anything less.

He inhaled. Joyful anticipation was coursing through his veins with every thump of his heart.

As everyone was preparing for the match, Tobio reminded himself of everything he knew, anything that would be of help against Date Tech. Their defense was strong, obviously. But it wasn't just that. Their attacks, too, might turn into a problem. His gaze zeroed in on Koganegawa. Tobio didn't usually relate to Hinata's complaints about being smaller than most others. Why would he when he knew full well that Hinata posed just as great a threat—if not even greater—to their opponents than any other player would. Right now, though, he thought he at least understood where those thoughts were coming from. The possibilities that came with having Koganegawa's height would never be available to him. He scowled.

Before he had the chance to brood on this any longer, however, another thought arose. Hinata had told him about what had happened during the training camp. And how Koganegawa had been there, too. And how Tsukishima had supposedly played better with him than he had with Tobio so far. He grit his teeth. It didn't sit right with him.

Ukai's hands clapping together pulled Tobio out of his glaring. Quickly, everyone gathered around to listen to what he had to say. It was nothing Tobio hadn't already known, but he let the words flood his mind nonetheless, pushing out the unwanted thoughts about Tsukishima's annoyingly uncooperative mindset when it came to him.

This match is about more than working on just one weak link between us, he reminded himself. An overall improvement, that's what they were aiming for, here.

Breathing in, then out again, his shoulders dropping intentionally with the motion, he took his place at the net. For a brief moment, his eyes met Hinata's as he surveyed his team. The sparkle in them as he gave a small smile felt reassuring.

They needed to break through Date-Tech's defense. The earlier they managed that, the better. Ideally, with the first ball.

The familiar whistle was blown, and Date Tech served the ball. Tobio followed its path through the air with his eyes as he listened for how his teammates moved on the court. Lifting his hands above his head, ready to set, surveyed the other side of the net. All blockers were focused on Hinata who was running up to the net, ready to get Karasuno the point.

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