Chapter Two

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Sorry my dear one's I'm late to upload 2nd chapter. I think you guys loved the last chapter here's the 2nd chapter enjoy .

Jungkook: Mom! how am I looking.

Y/N turned and saw him, her eyes were bloating out because she saw him in her dream.

Y/N: Am I dreaming again? Nono he is real!!!

Taehyung: Y/N heyy Y/N look at here see how I'm looking ?

Y/N: tae tae see there he is the guy I saw in my dream.

Taehyung: ohhohh Y/N ya you are right!! he is looking too handsome!!! Ok now what will you do?

Y/N: Even I don't know tae!

Taehyung: Go and tell him what happened.

Y/N: Nooo how can I tae, I can't do that.

Taehyung: Then I will only tell him...wait.

Y/N stopped taehyung and she started to look at jungkook and glanced at his admiring look.

Taehyung: Y/N stop watching him go and tell him.

Y/N mother: Y/N and Taehyung what you both are doing there come fast we have to go.

Y/N: yes mom we are coming.

Taehyung: Y/N what are you doing.

YN: tae let's go now i can't tell him anything like in this situation.

Y/N took tae out and they reached home.

Taehyung: Y/N what happened to you why you are acting like this, you got the best opportunity to tell him.

Y/N: tae you don’t understand this , how can I tell him in one meet and he even don’t know me.

Taehyung: ok leave now, we know he is in Seoul only, so we can find him don’t worry.

Author Pov:
They finished their high school exams, and both are applying for university. They are trying to get a seat in Hanyang University. And finally they got a seat in Hanyung University.

Y/N: finally we got a seat tae yahhh!!!

Taehyung: yahhh Y/N im so happy we both got seats in the same university.

Finally today is the first day of college.

Y/N: tae tae getup we are getting late to college, this is our first day .

Taehyung: yahh Y/N I will, just give me 20 min.

Y/N: ok tae come fast im so excited.

(Finally they are in college)

Y/N chose the fashion department and Taehyung chose the art department, Y/N headed her classroom and teahyung headed his classroom.

Y/N: (entered the classroom) hello!

Kim Sharon: Hello what's your name?

Y/N: hello, my name is Y/N, What's your name?

Kim Sharon: my name is kim Sharon.

Y/N: nice to meet you.

The day spent well after class taehyung and Y/N met, for them this is the first time they are apart and did not sit together. They shared what all happened in class.

After one month:

Y/N entered the class room and got shocked!!!

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