Chapter 10 - Spidella's pov

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~ Mall ~

Zizzy: "They ran this way!"
Spidella: "How did they even ran so fast?! And a mall?? Why would they hide here? "
Zizzy: "I have no idea, but we need to find them, quick."
Spidella: "We're going to find you, whoever you are!"

Text: "Piggy has wokened up."

Spidella: "Just quit spawning them will ya >:/"
Text: "I can't >:/ it's my job >:("
Spidella: "Fine whatever you say" *shoots web at infected* "Zizzy can you at least help me for once"
Zizzy: "No, I can't, I need energy"
Spidella: "And how would you get energy from exactly??"
Zizzy: "Feed me g r a s s"
Spidella: "👁👄👁. Time for key noises! Oh cool a sports equipment store, but no time looking thru sports stuff :D"

~ Clickety Clicky noises later ~

Spidella: "Whew! All done! Thanks for the no help, Zizzy"
Zizzy: "No Problem :]"
Spidella: "Now let's go and find that weird person who was stalking us"
Zizzy: "show yourself! We know you've been watching us!"
*Georgie comes out*
Spidella: "Georgie?!"
Georgie: "How do you who I am?! Who are you guys?!"
Spidella: "Don't worry, I'm Spidella. And this, is Zizzy."
Zizzy: "Y'know this kid?"
Spidella: "He was the one I was looking for, as I mentioned earlier. Anyways why'd you run, Georgie?"
Georgie: "Well... After my family visited the hospital, they acted... Weird and creepy.. So I came here to look for Grandma, but everyone looked so scary.. So I hid."

pidella: "Oh.. Say, I have a question"
Georgie: "What is it?"
Spidella: "Where did you get that.. Thing? "
Georgie: "You mean this thing I'm holding? Yea, uh, long story.."
Spidella: "We can talk about it later"
Zizzy: "For now, let's go back, you'll be safe with us, Georgie. I promise."
Georgie: "But will I ever see my family again..? "
Spidella: "... That's no guaranteed promise, but I will promise we will find the person who did all of this."
Zizzy: "Let's go, it's getting late."

~ Back at the safe house ~

Zuzy: "Look! Zizzy's back! And she brought friends!"
Zizzy: "Zee! Zuzy! Meet my new friends, Georgie and Spidella."
Zuzy: "Spidella looks pretty funny-"
Spidella: "Hey! I'm a spider y'know? And I'm gonna catch you with my sticky little webs! >:)"
Zuzy: "Ahh!"
Pony: "Zizzy! Spidella! Thank god you're back. We tracked a helicopter signal nearby!"
Spidella: "Good. Because I need to talk to Mr. P. We have unintended bussinesses to talk about."
Pony: "Oh. Well Zizzy and I are coming with you!"
Zuzy: "Whattt?? But she just got backk :("
Zizzy: "It's ok! I'll be back very soon, I promise. Please take care of Georgie while I'm gone, ok?"
Zuzy: "Ok... Come one, Georgie, Zee, let's play hide and seek!"
Spidella: "It's time we stop him once and for all. Let's go."
Hey y'all!
I know I've been publishing very frequent now. I just want to spend the time I'm using for useless things to write this! Cuz I have exam that is VERY near, and I want this to end TvT, but don't worry, I have news to share!
I'm going to remaster this once it's finished, and the ending for this is going to be emotional (kinda if you really like Lego's lore stuff)
After the remaster and this is done. I'm going to start a new series! Can't tell you yet, just wait ;)
Lastly, this series' villain is not going to be TIO, it's going to be my own villain for piggy. I'm gonna reveal a bit of his appearance tomorrow or the day after, with a chapter of course.
Anyways that's all, cya!

Ps. This was wayy long than I expected, and Imma reorganize stuff now

Pss. Hey where'd my (new) fav speedster go :(

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