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Beyoncé sat in her room on FaceTime with her mother from her MacBook. She had been sitting there studying for a while until her mother called. She told her mother how well she was doing and it made Tina very happy. "I see you're feeling much better about school. I love to see it." She told her.

"I really am. I can't believe time is moving so fast. The semester is flying by before my eyes." B didn't love school but she did love being at school. She had her own apartment and could do whatever she wanted. She also had Jay and absolutely dreaded them being so far apart.

"You seem happier too." Tina added.

"I honestly am, mama." B said with a smile. "Remember that boy that was my class partner and I told you I hated him?" Tina nodded with a smirk on her face already knowing where she was going with this. "Well we're actually dating now..."

"I already knew that was coming! I just had a feeling." Beyoncé agreed. The first thing her mother said was something about them getting married, so it came as no surprise to Tina that they were fond of each other now. "How's it going?"

B sighed. "It's going really good. It makes me nervous." Tina scrunched her eyebrows and asked her what she meant. "Mama, he's from New York. And we're going to be going to law school soon. I just don't know how well long distance will work out." B hated that there was some sort of an expiration date on them. "Especially when I already feel myself getting so attached to him." She added sadly.

"BB, if it's meant to happen, it'll happen. Whether it be this year or 5 years from now." Tina smiled knowing that B was having real feelings for someone again. It did sadden her as well that B was having these doubts in her head. "Just give it a shot. Don't give up before you even try. You need to live in the now, stop dreading the end when you don't even know if there will be one."

Beyoncé nodded as she listened to her mother. She always knew that she would have advice or comforting words to make her feel much better. She had real feelings for Jay and decided her mother was right. She was selling them both short. If they liked each other enough then they could make anything work out. "You're right. Thank you, mama." She smiled. "I'm going to let it play out."

"Of course, baby." Tina never minded giving her daughter advice or just being there to be a shoulder for her. She also knew that Beyoncé was such a strong person who never liked to confide too much in anyone except her mother. Beyoncé saw nothing wrong with that though. Everyone wasn't trustworthy enough to know all of her business. She shared everything with her mother though because she saw them as best friends.

"How is everything at home?" B asked changing the subject. "Do y'all miss me?"

"Duh! We all do." Tina giggled. "Everyone is good, though. Solange misses you so much." Solange was Beyoncé's next best friend. Her sister looked up to her and Beyoncé always felt proud to be that good role model.

"I need to call her." Beyoncé noted and planned on doing so at a later time. Her and Tina wrapped their conversation up over the next 20 minutes or so and hung up. B closed her laptop and sighed. She no longer felt like studying and felt like she'd much rather be under her boyfriend.

She wanted to be in his space just to smell him if not for anything else. He'd told her earlier that he was playing the game with his cousin, but she didn't care anymore. She deserved his attention now. She put her laptop over on her desk and plopped back on her bed beginning to call him. Jay didn't answer and she frowned at that. He sent her a lame, automated 'I'll call you later' text. She immediately called again and he answered. "Jay." She pouted as she saw his face.

"What's up, B?" He answered with a small smile. The phone went from him to the ceiling as he dropped his phone on the bed next to him.

"You don't want to talk?" She asked. She started to feel like she was annoying him or that he'd rather hang out at home than come over to her place.

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