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"Jay, do you mind packing JJ's diaper bag for the day, please?" B asked politely as she prepped herself for the morning. Even still, Jay let out a deep sigh. It had been a while and JJ's sleep was still all over the place, so he was still beyond exhausted. He thought that it might have been getting better, but his body didn't feel like it was getting better.

"Yeah, I got it." He responded and began to fill baby Jay's bag with his essentials. They were both preparing to leave for the day. It would be Beyoncé's first day back outside after her extended maternity leave after quitting her previous internship/job. She'd gotten an interview at another firm with an expertise in what she was most interested in and got hired on the spot. She was extremely happy, but also nervous. She wished that she could bring JJ with her, but a screaming baby in a quiet office would drive everyone insane. Herself included.

"Thank you." She said and continued fixing her makeup.

"You look good, baby." He complimented earning another quick 'thank you' from her. "Are you glad to be going back?"

"I am." She nodded honestly. "I've been so bored. My brain has been so bored. Like... I had nothing to study or focus on for too long. I need stimulation."

"I get it. Let me know how everything goes, B." Jay kissed her forehead. "I packed JJ's bag up with everything. Call me when you drop him off."

B reluctantly nodded. She was so nervous about dropping him off at a daycare. He was so young and she was still very much attached to him. She couldn't stop thinking about how gross and germy daycare centers could be. She was terrified of him getting sick. She went to the facility multiple times and spoke with the workers, but she couldn't help feeling so skeptical. The only person who ever kept her son was Pierre. Even her family had only been with JJ in the presence of at least one of his parents.

"I don't want to." She pouted after a while. Jay sighed and slowly pulled her into a hug.

"He's going to be fine, ma." He reassured. "Don't worry. She said you can call and check on him whenever you want." She began to tear up and Jay chuckled softly. "B." He sighed. "Don't worry so much."

"I can't not worry!" She yelled. "What if something happens? I would never forgive myself."

"Beyoncé." Jay said sternly, stopping her in her tracks. "I can stay home today, if you want. I can call out of work and tell them you're sick or something."

"No, I want you to go to work, too. I just-" She sighed heavily. "I don't know why I'm so scared."

"How about I go with you to drop him off? I'll follow behind you." B slowly nodded and said 'okay.' Jay was thankful and felt a little relief. He, too, was nervous about leaving JJ, but someone had to be levelheaded. They had no other options right now, they both needed to work and JJ needed to be watched. "Cool." Jay responded. "Let's go, then, baby. I don't want to be too late to work."

As promised, Jay followed Beyoncé to JJ's new daycare center. It was really nice, it had a nice ambiance and looked well kept. They both got out of their cars and met up at the front door. B carried JJ in his car carrier as they headed inside. "I can't leave him here, Jay." B said as they looked around. There were two separate rooms one for the newborn to one year olds and one for the two to four year olds. There were already four babies lying in bassinets in the room for the smaller babies.

"Mrs. and Mr. Carter! Good morning!" The manager of the center, Peyton, greeted before Jay could respond to what B had said. "And little JJ, hello! How are you all this morning?"

"Good." Jay smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm feeling pretty good this morning. I'm excited to get this week going." She said happily. "JJ is joining us for his first day today, correct?" B nervously glanced at Jay who nodded. She then directed her attention to her baby and cringed. "Perfect! So, I do need you guys to sign him in. Who will be picking him up?"

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