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Stop sending me hate mail and trust in me!! I would never lie to y'all lmao

Jay sighed with his head in his hands. "Fuck!" He yelled out. He was self sabotaging real bad and he knew it. He never really wanted them to break up, but Beyoncé was right. Jay was very unsure of everything right now, although it had nothing to do with her. She had done nothing wrong and nothing to deserve the way that he was doubting her. Jay had been harboring his feelings of doubt since he got back to back rejection letters. He didn't realize how bad he was going to regret it until he finally said it out loud. Now he felt like the donkey of the day.

B cried softly to herself not bothering to wipe the tears that began to fall down to her ears. "It's not fair." She mumbled throughout her silent sobs. "He's so stupid!" She yelled. She felt so hurt in this moment just knowing that Jay didn't care about their relationship enough to at least continue to try. She was so confused as to why he suddenly wanted to break up with her now. They haven't had any problems in their relationship that would suggest that it wouldn't last forever. This was actually the healthiest relationship situation that she's ever been it. She truly thought Jay was the one, but now he had her second guessing her own feelings. Maybe he was right?

Jay had called her back 3 times at this point and she declined every single one. She sent him a text instead saying 'Let it be Jay.' She just didn't want to talk right now because she was too upset to even process what stupid thing he was going to say next.

"Damn." He mumbled to himself. He had fucked up big time and there was nothing he could do in this moment to change that. Jay sighed and decided it was best for him to give her space until she was ready to talk again. He wanted to send her quick message though because he didn't want to leave it at that. He sent: 'B please know that I love you so much. I really do.'

B didn't bother to respond. She put her phone on 'do not disturb' before tossing it to the side to continue to cry her feelings out. B was an extremely sensitive and emotional being and she wasn't ashamed of that fact no matter how many people pointed it out to her. It was nothing wrong with having feelings. Her dad always advised her about how dangerous it was to wear her heart on her sleeve. She still couldn't help it though. Crying is what she did to release all emotions, so no matter if she was happy, sad, angry, etc. crying was the best outlet for her.

Jay wiped another tear of his own and clenched his jaw tightly. He turned over pulling the cover over his head and trying to force himself to go to sleep. He never imagined being in his room crying over a girl. Especially one that he fumbled with his own stupidity. Jay on the other hand, has always been sensitive, but he was not a crier. He didn't usually handle his emotions in the healthiest ways, but him crying was never normal. Since meeting B, he had already cried more than he ever has. She was just able to bring it out of him and it was nothing wrong with it. Crying is healthy.

Jay couldn't sleep so he went to YouTube to try to find something to watch. All he could think about was B and how different things would be if he had gotten into Southern with her. He saw himself with her in the future, but this was a roadblock that he couldn't see beyond at this time. He had no idea where they would go from here. Jay groaned and rubbed his eyes again. He went from video to video on YouTube late into the night until he finally fell asleep. Only to dream of Beyoncé.

The next morning, B woke up with an obnoxious headache and puffy eyes. She hated to cry at night because she absolutely hated how she looked when she woke up.

"Beyoncé!" She heard yet again. Her mother had been calling her to come downstairs for the past few minutes, but B had been purposely ignoring her because she was trying to get more sleep. After another loud call of her name, she finally got up.

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