(1) Ranboo, My Beloved Meow-Meow.

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A day had passed since Tubbo had seen the strange cat, and he hadn't gone to feed the strays yet. Tubbo got up out of his bed, it creaked at the swift shift of weight.

"I hope Ranboo is there," Tubbo mumbled to himself, walking over to his front door, where he'd left the cat food bag yesterday. Grabbing the hefty bag, Tubbo opened the door, startled to hear the stray cats immediately start meowing.

"Woah!" Tubbo exclaimed, almost tripping over Ranboo, who was rubbing his fluffy face all over Tubbo's legs. Tubbo thought it was cute, the way cats showed affection.

"Hi there kitties!" Tubbo said cheerfully, spotting the other cats around a corner. "I've got some food for you!" Tubbo said, grabbing a handful of cat food and pouring it onto the cement floor in front of one of the cats- Hector. Hector purred, immediately trying to gobble up every piece of food there was. But much to Tubbo's surprise- and Hector's too- Ranboo yowled at the sight of this, scrapping at Hector's face with a menacing stare.

"Ranboo! No! What are you doing!?" Tubbo yelled, picking up Ranboo before he could do any real damage to the poor little Hector. Luckily, Hector looked perfectly fine- despite how much scratching and yowling Ranboo had inflicted upon him.

"Ranboo, I'm going to have to keep you inside if I can't trust you outside." Tubbo held Ranboo like a baby, his fluffy stomach exposed. Ranboo did not argue, however, and let Tubbo hold him however he liked.

"Okay Ranboo, let me feed these cats, and then I'll let you eat inside. Sit here." Tubbo said, setting Ranboo down near the front door. Ranboo did not move from this spot at all, and when Tubbo came back to the front door, Ranboo purred and followed him inside.

As Tubbo poured some cat food on his kitchen floor for Ranboo, his phone received a discord message. Eager to see who had texted him, he put the cat food bag away and headed to his sofa to check on his phone.

Tubbo hopped onto his soft, murky-gray sofa, and opened Discord to see who had messaged him. It was Tommy!

"Hey tubbo did you see the news?" Tommy's message read.

"No" Tubbo answered, interested in what could possibly be so important about the news that Tommy- of all people- would care.

"The stupid government is putting poison on the streets for mice but the news article said that a lot of cats have accidentally died because of the poison."

Tubbo gasped, now worried for his stray cat friends.

"THATS HORIBLE!" Tubbo texted back. As he put his phone back in his pocket, he saw Ranboo's fuzzy little head peek around the corner of the kitchen door- which was open. Inviting himself, Ranboo now stood on the couch next to Tubbo, staring into Tubbo's eyes with a look that said "You're my human." Without a warning, Ranboo climbed onto Tubbo's lap, curling into a ball and falling asleep within seconds.

"Aww- Ranboo, my beloved meow-meow, you're so cute for someone who just tried to murder another cat for his food earlier."


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