(11) Are You Okay Now?

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"R-Ranboo? Are you okay now?" Tubbo asked, taking a step forward. Tommy grabbed Tubbo's shoulder and held him back, not letting Tubbo get any closer to Ranboo.

"I don't want him to hurt you," Tommy whispered, loosening his grip on Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo frowned, watching the Enderman curl up into a fetal pose, bawling his eyes out. Tubbo could now see smoke rising from Ranboo's face where his tears flowed.

"His tears are burning him," Tubbo told Tommy, "We have to make him stop."

Tommy did not let Tubbo get closer to Ranboo, despite how vulnerable he was at that moment. "I think it's best if we go in your room and let him finish crying, he might try to hurt us if we touch him, y'know?" Tommy opened Tubbo's bedroom door, gesturing towards the room. Tubbo nodded and reluctantly followed Tommy into his own bedroom. "I hope he's alright." Tubbo's frown was even more frown-y, if that was possible. Tommy didn't like seeing Tubbo like this.

"It's okay Tubbo, I'm sure he'll be alright." Tommy lied, he wasn't sure Ranboo would be okay. He wasn't sure what had even happened to Ranboo. All he was sure of was that "Ranboo should be left alone for now," as he put it.

Tubbo sat at his desk, Tommy sitting on a small stool beside him. The two were playing Minecraft again, waiting for Ranboo to 'calm down'.

"I have to go piss," Tommy said suddenly, getting up from his stool, "Do you want me to check on Ranboo?"

Tubbo smiled, "That's a good idea! Please tell me how he's doing when you come back."

Tommy nodded, opening and walking out the bedroom door, gently shutting it behind him. Tommy was being pretty chill, for once.

Tommy looked at the floor where Ranboo had been crying earlier, he wasn't there. Perplexed, Tommy went to check the sofa to see if Ranboo had decided to rest there.


"Ranboo?" Tommy called, walking into the kitchen, where he found Ranboo snacking on some Cheese-Its.

"O-oh. Hi Tommy." Ranboo put the box of Cheese-Its down, a frown on his face.

"What's wrong with you, Ranboo? Why'd you scare Tubbo like that? And then after that you started CRYING? Is there something I need to know?" Tommy asked, grabbing the box of Cheese-Its and taking them for himself.

"Hey! I was eating those!" Ranboo sounded genuinely upset over half a box of Cheese-Its. Wow.

"You can have 'em back once you've answered my question." Tommy chewed as he spoke.

Ranboo sighed. "That wasn't me who scared Tubbo," Ranboo said as he fidgeted with his fingers, "I-I, well, sometimes I do this thing called 'enderwalking', a-and when I enderwalk, I loose control of myself. I never meant to scare Tubbo, but he's lucky nobody got hurt."

Tommy swallowed his Cheese-its with sadness. "So that's why you were crying, you thought you hurt Tubbo."

Ranboo nodded slowly, "I don't even remember what I did. Is Tubbo okay? And when did you get here?"

"Tubbo's alright, he's worried about you. I came here when you were 'ender-walk-thingy-ing' because Tubbo and I were in a call and I heard him say something about you going wild."

Ranboo's tail swished slowly as he spoke, "Where is he? I-I want to apologize to him"

"He's in his bedroom playing Minecraft. You were crying for quite a while. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a piss." Tommy walked off, unable to keep holding in his piss.

Ranboo laughed, "Alright, you go do that!" He called, grabbing the box of Cheese-its off the counter where Tommy had left them.

Walking off to Tubbo's room, Ranboo mumbled, "I hope Tubbo's not afraid of me."

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