(8) Cooking With BadBoyHalo

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"Ranbooooo!" Tubbo called as he sat on the couch, "Come watch 'Cooking With BadBoyHalo' with meeeeee!"

"Hello whore!" The Enderman came into the room, holding an urban dictionary. Tubbo looked at Ranboo- not making eye contact- and sighed, "You're not trying to learn swear words, are you?" He asked the Enderman, eyeing the dictionary. Ranboo shook his head, "I'm trying to find the meaning for Kakorrhaphiophobia!"

"Ranboo what the fuck?"

"Yeah!" Ranboo smiled, turning to the 'k' section of the dictionary.

"Okay whatever, let's just watch TV, the funny cooking show we like is on!"

Ranboo turned his attention to the TV, then smiled when he saw what was happening in the show.

"Hi guys! Umm, welcome back to Cooking With BadBoyHalo, and for today's meal we're gonna make-"

"BABIES!" The chef was interrupted by Skeppy, who was probably being held hostage judging by how bored he looked. "What!? No!" The chef exclaimed, giggling quietly as he spoke, "We're making pizza!"

"No Bad, we're making babies I already got my cock ou-"

"LANGUAGE YOU MUFFINHEAD!" The angry chef yelled, causing Skeppy to laugh.

"So, to make pizza we're gonna need cheese, tomato sauce, pepperoni, and bread batter!" The chef smiled, pulling all the ingredients out from a cupboard. Skeppy frowned, "Bad, no one calls it 'bread batter,' it's actually called YOUR MOM'S-"

And just like that, the TV was lit up with a message that read "We'll be back shortly!"

Ranboo and Tubbo burst into a fit of laughter, then waited for the show to continue. Luckily, it did.

"Aaand we're back!" The chef smiled, very close to the camera. Behind him was a very pink-faced Skeppy. "Can we do that instead of making pizza?" Skeppy asked, making the chef's face flush pink, or red-ish, in an instant.

"Maybe if you weren't such a muffin!" The chef answered, rolling out the 'bread batter' as he spoke. "I thoight you loved muffins?" Skeppy asked, then walked over to the chef to help him use the rolling pin, which was pretty large for a rolling pin.

"Yeah." The chef answered plainly, dumping a spoonful of tomato sauce on the rolled 'bread batter.'

"So now I'm gonna spread the tomato sauce on the bread batter!" The chef announced, then began to spread the tomato sauce with the spoon.

"Yeah, you'll spread the tomato sauce, but you won't spread y-"

"I swear on all that is muffiny, if you don't stop muffining around I will- uhh, I will kiss your face!"

Skeppy smirked, "That's okay, Daddy wants kisses anywa-"

"OH MY GOSH GEPPY I SWEAR," The chef yelled, then began making various gremlin noises. Skeppy laughed at this for a while, then decided to shut him up.

"Okay Bad Boy, I'm sorry." Skeppy attacked the chef with a hug.

"GEPPY NO AAAAA-" The two fell over, and Skeppy was now laying on top of the agitated chef.

"Y'know, this reminds me of something," Skeppy smirked, "But I can't seem to remember what it was that we did, would you mind remembering for me?"

"Geppy, oh my goodness I'm gonna loose my muffins! Turn off the freaking camera before i wreck you!" Bad yelled, angrily.

"In bed, right?"

Those were the last words Skeppy said before Bad cut the camera and ads started playing.

"Y'know, that could be us." Ranboo said, jabbing Tubbo's shoulder with his elbow.

Tubbo remembered how annoyed the chef had looked, "I fucking hope not!"

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