(10) Wait a Minute, Who Are You?

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Tubbo sat at his little desk, playing on his Minecraft server with Tommy, when suddenly, there was a knock at his bedroom door. "One second Tommy, I think Ranboo finally woke up." Tubbo set his headphones down and opened his door to see Ranboo standing in a trance, he seemed a bit off.

"Hi Ranboo! I'm playing Minecraft with Tommy, would you like to join us?" Tubbo smiled, ignoring the fact that Ranboo's eyes were now a conpletley different color- a bright purple. Ranboo looked down at Tubbo, mumbling something that Tubbo could not hear.

"Could you speak up? I didn't hear what you said." Tubbo asked politely, shifting his eyes when Ranboo tried to make eye contact with him.

"⍜⎍⏁ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏁⎍⏚⏚⍜" Ranboo's face twisted into an angry expression, worrying Tubbo a bit. "Ranboo, are you okay?" Tubbo asked, taking a small step back.

"⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⟟⌇ ⋏⍜ '⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜' ⊑⟒⍀⟒" Ranboo stepped forward.

"Who the fuck are you, and what have you done with my Boo!?" Tubbo yelled, frightened.

Luckily for Tubbo, he'd forgotten to mute his microphone, so Tommy had heard everything that was going on. As soon as he understood what was happening, Tommy jumped into his Cadillac and drove off to Tubbo's house. He probably got a speeding ticket on his way there, but that didn't matter. All that mattered to Tommy, at that moment, was that Tubbo was safe.

Tubbo heard his doorbell ring, and he immediately ran past Ranboo and answered the door, knowing that Ranboo- or whoever that was- was following him.

Tubbo opened the front door. "TUBBO! ARE YOU OKAY? WHERE'S RANBOO? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?" Tommy shouted, alerting Ranboo. Tubbo shushed Tommy, pulling him away from Ranboo, who seemed to be slowing down.

"He's talking in weird groaning sounds, and he's acting all scary!" Tubbo explained as they ran. "Well that's concerning as fuck! Probably should've asked him about that before letting him inside your house, y'know?" Tommy joked, though Tubbo didn't think it was very funny.

Stopping once they'd reached Tubbo's bedroom again, Tommy and Tubbo looked behind them to see Ranboo laying face-first on the floor, coveribg his face with his hands.

Was Ranboo... crying?

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