(2) I Thought You Were A Cat?

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Tubbo woke up to the sound of bricks falling on the floor, and instantly jumoed out of his seat. "Where the fuck did Ranboo go? I hope he's alright." Tubbo mumbled, walking through the hallway to find the source of noise that had woken him up.

Tubbo arrived in his kitchen, which was pretty barren, if you asked anyone but Tubbo. He decided to eat lunch, he was pretty hungry. As Tubbo opened his pantry, he heard unfamiliar footsteps behind him. Turning around, Tubbo looked behind him to see who was in his house.

He screamed, grabbing a kitchen knife and holding onto it for dear life. Before his eyes was the scariest thing he'd ever seen in his life.

A tall, slender man- no- creature? It (or, he?) wore a black suit and fancy pants, covering up the weird pattern on it's body- which was suspiciously similar to Ranboo's pelt. Even the creature's eyes were like Ranboo's- One red, one green. The creature held one single brick, it had to use both hands. The creature looked just as scared as Tubbo, and its tail waved through the air anxiously. Its ears were exactly like Ranboo's, they were even drawn back with the creature's fright.

The creature was the first to speak, its voice deep and smooth like cream on berries. "H-hello," The creature let a bead of sweat fall down its face, seemingly burning the skin as it dripped. The creature winced at this. "D-did I interrupt anything i-important?" It asked, leaving the poor Tubbo lost for words.

"R-Ranb-boo?" Tubbo quivered, lowering his knife. The creature- Ranboo- nodded, flicking his tail in assurance.

"How did you get so tall? And since when were you so sexy?" Tubbo asked, quickly shifting his mood.

Ranboo's face turned pink, and he dug his fingers into the brick he was holding, unsure what he was supposed to say. "I- um, thanks?" Ranboo stumbled on his words, tripping on them like pebbles.

"Sorry- uhh, I didn't mean it like that? Anywho, what the fuck are you doing with those bricks?" Tubbo pointed at Ranboo's brick. Ranboo answered with a smile, "I just like carrying things. Normal Enderman activities."

"I thought you were a cat?" Tubbo asked, grabbing, then eating a banana.

"That's just what I do when I'm feeling more brave, and sometimes it's easier to make friends with cats then big, scary humans." Ranboo slightly loosened his grip on his brick, which God knows where he got it from.

"Do you, perhaps, know how to make a cake?" Tubbo asked, pushing both his index fingers against eachother.

"Well," Ranboo smirked, setting his brick on the counter and walking over to Tubbo, "I once made a cake that could probably give God cancer."

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