(5) Tommy?

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"Ranboo you're gonna love him, don't worry!" Tubbo assured his feline friend, who was currently grooming himself to look good infront of a new friend. Tubbo was going to introduce him to his best friend Tommy- who honestly sounded very nice. Ranboo was a bit scared about what Tommy would think of him, so he and Tubbo agreed that it would be best for Ranboo to appear as a cat for the time Tommy was there.

The two flinched as the doorbell rang, both running towards the door at the speed of light. "Hey Tom!" Tubbo breathed, opening the front door with a smile on his face.

"Hi Tubbo! Do you remember that time when I forced you to marry me? Yeah so um, my parents got pissed at me and I have to divorce you. It's all great though, right?" Tommy laughed, a puzzled expression on Ranboo's fuzzy feline face. Tubbo let Tommy in the house with a sigh and a laugh, Ranboo could sense that the two were very good friends. Tommy jumped on Tubbo's couch, shaking the peice of furniture a bit too much. But Tubbo just shrugged it off, sitting down next to Tommy and beckoning for Ranboo to sit with them. Ranboo purred, immediately padding towards the couch. Tommy's face lit up at the sight of Ranboo, picking Ranboo up before he could leap onto the couch. Unsure of what to do, Ranboo let Tommy awkwardly hold him, he looked a bit like Simba from The Lion King. A bit silly, if you asked him.

"I didn't know you had a pussy, Tubbo! Is it a big man or a soft pussy?" Tommy asked, scrubbing Ranboo's head like a massage. Ranboo flicked his tail in annoyance.

"His name is Ranboo," Tubbo answered cautiously, looking at Ranboo with a sorry expression. "He's not really a people person-" Tubbo added, watching Tommy cradle Ranboo like a baby. It was pretty funny.

"He's a big pussy-man!" Tommy laughed, rubbing Ranboo's fur-covered belly. Ranboo didn't like this much, he felt a bit violated. Resisting the urge to attack, Ranboo pinned his ears back as Tommy held him like a teddy bear. Tubbo giggled, then spoke up.

"I don't think he likes that very much." Tubbo pointed out, causing Tommy to let go of Ranboo, who fell onto the carpeted floor. He landed on his feet, of course.

Ranboo displayed a frightened face, staring at the floor with his claws deep into the fluffy carpet. "Don't leave me again, floor." Ranboo hissed, just quiet enough to where no one heard him.

"Sorry pussy." Tommy smirked, holding back a violent laugh that could cause an avalanche. Tubbo coughed, turning on the television.

"Today we're making chicken noodle soup!" The chef on TV declared, holding a stirring spoon in his hand. Ranboo turned and looked at the TV, captivated by the topic of cooking.

"Today we have a special guest with us to help us make the noodles! Can you guess his name?" The chef asked, putting on an apron covered in cartoonish drawings of muffins. "That's right! It's Skeppy!" The chef exclaimed, pulling the 'special guest' from out of the camera's sight. The special guest did not look very pleased to be on the show, he looked as if he'd been forced to be there. Ranboo purred with amusement as he watched the grunpy boy put on a blue apron and hit the chef on the head with a spatula, which erupted into a chaotic argument about how many carrot slices the soup needed.

Glancing back at Tubbo and Tommy, Ranboo wondered if the three of them could do something like that. He quickly shot down that idea, knowing Tommy would freak out if he ever saw Ranboo's true form.

Tubbo stood up suddenly, "I have to go take a piss, don't murder my pussycat while I'm gone." He said, walking off in the direction of the bathroom.

Ranboo decided that maybe he should try to get to know Tommy, so he leapt up into the couch and rested his head on Tommy's lap. He smelled a bit like soda- and hair gel? Tommy turned his head to Ranboo with a confused glance, but didn't attempt to murder him like Ranboo thought he would. Instead, Tommy stroked Ranboo's feline head, causing Ranboo to melt into Tommy's hand with purrs of happiness.

Tubbo walked into the room, surprised to see Ranboo and Tommy getting along. Tubbo must have decided it would be best to let them be, so he sat back down and watched what was still playing on TV.

"-And remember kids, thin crust pizza is a disgrace- and should only be eaten if you didn't pay for it." The chef spoke to the camera as the special guest strained some noodles- which looked stale. "You didn't like the pizzas i got you. I get it." The special guest frowned, dumping the noodles into the soup. "No! I loved it!" The chef exclaimed, adding peas to the chicken noodle soup. The two chefs looked at eachother and nodded, lifting the pot of soup off the stove and pouring it into two bowls.

"And for the last step, we can finally eat this pile of shit!" The special guest joked, sticking a fork into the soup. "Language, and YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HELPED MAKE IT!" The chef retorted, taking a bite of the soup.

"...Geppy?" The chef finished chewing, turning towards the special guest. "M-what?" He asked, taking a bite if the soup.

"YOU DIDN'T ADD THE CHICKEN!" The chef's loud, high-pitched voice caused the television to shake, which was Tubbo's cue to turn it off. Well, it would have been, if Tubbo wasn't fast asleep on the couch.

Ranboo's ear twitched as he turned his head towards the shaking box. It was about to fall! Jumping off the couch at lightning speed, Ranboo dashed towards the TV and quickly transformed, grabbing the television before it could fall.

Ranboo winced as a drop if sweat fell down his forehead. At least when he was a cat he couldn't burn, that was the one thing he hated about his true form.

"Holy. Shit." Ranboo heard a familiar, deep, British voice come from the couch.

Ranboo growled. Of course, He thought, Tommy just had to have seen that happen.

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