Love at First Bell

930 69 210

Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny

My shiny leather loafers patter against the tiled floor. The backpack slung over my shoulder in a haste threatens to break free. I tug it back into place as I dash down the hall.

Rows of dull metallic lockers pass in a blur as I frantically scurry off, a damp sweat breaking out across my freckled skin.

Juggling an array of miscellaneous items in my scrawny arm, I attempt to fling open the door to English—a miscalculation. Notebooks, pens and a heavy metal water bottle clatter to the sparkling, waxed floor.

A dozen eyes seated behind tan desks peer up at me.

"Molly, you're late," Ms Hailey calls to me, stating the obvious. "Again."

Offering a sheepish grin, I scramble to gather my things. Squeezing past inquiring eyes, I make my journey towards the only open seats left available in the back of the room.

"Nice outfit, Molly," a devious blonde wench snickers at me under her breath as I pass by.

Rolling my eyes, I drop all of my belongings into a heap next to my feet before sliding my defeated body into the smooth chair. And then, for the first time since opening my eyes this morning, I attempt to make myself presentable.

Brushing my fingers through my ratted mousy hair, I try to salvage any hope of a decent hair day. Those of which are few and far between for me.

Underneath my pleated navy school uniform skirt, I still sport the old stained basketball shorts I wore to bed last night. I really need to start setting two alarms—the one just hasn't been cutting it, lately.

"Okay, does anyone have any questions about last night's reading assignment before we begin this morning?" Ms Hailey asks us. Her chocolate brown bob sways as she tilts her head at the group of girls before her, waiting for a response.

Shoot. I knew I was forgetting something. I sure did not read that.

"No? Alright, then we can begin—"

"Wait!" The voice comes from my best friend seated at the front of the class. "Well, I don't have a question about that, but hey, Molly?"

Naila turns around in her seat to look in my direction. Her curly dark hair is matted in a knot in the back of her head, a clear indication she didn't wake up early enough to primp either.

Not that many of us here at Wilcrest Academy do; one of just many perks of attending an all-girls school. We're not dressing to impress around here.

My head pops up over a girl's shoulder in front of me, flashing my friend a smile as I wait for her request. Ms Hailey's dark eyes burn into my head—we're lucky she's a cool teacher, or Naila and I never would've survived this long.

"Can you toss me a tampon?" Naila calls out before turning to our teacher to explain. "It's an emergency."

See, another perk of an all-girls school. We just get it—no shame necessary.

Ms Hailey offers us an exhausted stare, but then sighs. "Please be quick."

Twisting my spindly body, I lean down to the pile of things I dropped onto the gray floor. I pluck my navy-blue jacket up to reveal my backpack, digging around in a number of zippers before pulling out the sleek packaging of a Tampax.

With the tampon in my grasp, I raise my arm to toss it forward when the classroom door creaks open.

In steps Principal Wells, a kind woman with fluffy blonde hair. But it's what steps in behind her that makes me freeze in place.

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