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♫ Perfect For You - Peach PRC

Gathering into first period, Naila and Jade push past a hoard of teenage girls to take a seat next to me in the back row.

"You know what today is?" Naila sings to me with a grin.

I frown. Have I forgotten her birthday again?

"It's Drag Day!" she cheers, but then drops her hands into her lap with a scowl. "Don't tell me you forgot."

But I did. It's not my fault that my mind has been consumed with other things. So much so that our yearly tradition completely blew past me.

"Well, I've already bought the snacks," Jade says slouching to relax in her chair. "We're meeting at your place still, right?"

I nod my head. Every year the three of us gather together to celebrate the season premiere of the greatest show known to television: RuPaul's Drag Race.

It's just one of our many traditions, and honestly the highlight of my year. I live a sad life.

Naila squeals clapping her hands. "I can't wait!"

Just then, the bell sounds as Tina Parker squeezes past bodies in desks to take a seat in front of me. Twisting around, she spits in a hushed tone, "Have you heard the latest Jack Moody gossip?"

My ears perk up at the mention of his name. I had spent the last two lunches with him and I can only hope Tina's heard new gossip about the two of us—that the news of our newfound friendship has hit the Wilcrest halls.

Although why would she come bringing that to me?

"What do you know?" I ask leaning forward.

She looks over her shoulder at our teacher—we have a substitute today. Some old woman I don't recognize, who gathers a stack of papers in her hands readying herself to begin the morning lesson.

Taking note, Tina starts talking even quieter as she states in a low voice, "Well, I heard he spent Monday night with Emma McKinney."


"That's not possible," I say in a breathy tone. "I was with Jack Monday evening."

At that admission, my two friends and Tina Parker proclaim in unison, "You were?"

"Ladies, quiet down, please, so we can begin," the historical artifact of a teacher calls to us and Tina frowns before turning back around in her seat.

Naila and Jade's eyes remain fixed onto me, burning the sides of my face. It had slipped my mind to mention the night to them. I'm not sure why.

I've just been in my own world lately, I forgot to tell them.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Naila whispers softly, and I only shrug.

It's apparent she feels lied to but I can't focus on that right now. My mind is swirling with Jack Moody and Emma McKinney. We're they really together on Monday?

Tapping Tina's shoulder in front of me, I lean forward to whisper in a panicked rush, "What time was Jack with her?"

The girl shrugs. "Must've been after he left your place," she says quietly. "He was there late."

Anger burns throughout my veins. What would he be doing at Emma's at that late of an hour—only one thing.

Did he really leave my house—dinner with my parents, to go hook up with Emma McKinney?

Unable to contain the rage any longer, my fury bubbles over escaping through my mouth. "That homewrecking slut," I seethe under my breath, tensing so hard I almost snap the pencil in my hand right in two.

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