Worst Case Scenario

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♫ Too Well - Renee Rapp

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♫ Too Well - Renee Rapp

My tray crashes onto the plastic lunch table. A sea of navy pleated skirts and white polos flood around me, swaying hurriedly to rush to their seats, chattering senselessly about last weekend's drama.

But my eyes are only focused on one thing: Jack Moody sandwiched between Emma McKinney and her redheaded goon, Sarah Johnson. It has become his new normal spot. Lost in a gaggle of Wilcrest's most popular.

I groan. "Could this get any worse for me?" I whine to my friends.

Naila wrinkles up her nose. "Emma gets everything," she pouts joining in my misery.

And I'm grateful; I can always count on Naila to wallow with me in our misfortune.

"Seriously?" Jade spits turning to face us. Today, her hair is fashioned into dozens of tiny braids, that sway as she whips her head. "You two need to get a grip. There's more to life than Jack Moody."

My body straightens and I jut out my chin in defiance as I say with full confidence, "There quite literally is nothing more important in my life than Jack Moody."

Across the room, his slender body slumps into the navy-blue plastic chair beneath him. A blank expression on his face as he stares back at Emma, chattering endlessly to him, her shiny blonde hair cascading in golden waves down her back.

"Why does he sit with them?" I mumble. "He doesn't even look interested in her."

"That's not what I heard," a voice calls out from behind. Just then, Tina Parker appears plopping her heavy body down in an open seat at our table.

"Nobody cares what you heard, Tina," Jade says turning her back to the girl in disgusted disinterest.

But, maybe I do.

Leaning forward across Jade, I stretch my body towards the eccentric girl. "What'd you hear?" I ask in a hushed tone, eyes wide.

Tina flashes me a big smile, showing off every braced tooth in her mouth, but before she can speak, Jade interjects. "Really, Molly? Last time she told us Jack was a murderer. She doesn't know anything."

Me and Tina Parker shoot her a glare. Before Tina says, "Well this time I know it to be true."

"Okay, spill," Naila squeaks leaning in to join the gossip huddle. Jade rolls her eyes and busies herself with the half-picked through sandwich on her tray.

With another smile, Tina begins, "So, I heard Emma McKinney had a totally crazy party this weekend and—"

"Yeah, we were there," I say hoping she will get to the point faster.

Tina jerks back her head, dark eyes widening slightly. "You were there? At Emma McKinney's party?" Her face shows she doesn't believe us, but Naila and I nod in unison to prove her otherwise.

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