Body Mist and Bike Rides

443 51 107

♫ I Like That - Bazzi

That next day, the halls of Wilcrest Girls Academy felt different—they even smelled different.

Long gone are the usual scents of musty books and dirty socks, replaced with sickeningly sweet perfumes. Vanilla. Cotton Candy. Lavender. Cucumber Mint.

And, I don't think Wilcrest has ever seen this much makeup. The girls of the 'Crest are done up to the nines, pressed against their metal lockers with starry eyes. Lips glossed; eyelashes caked. Every hair in this Academy has been brushed, curled, and hair sprayed.

I would love nothing more than to mock the reaction one single teenage boy has created, but unfortunately, I've followed suit.

Smoothing the pleats in my fresh navy skirt, I check to make sure my ruffled white socks are pulled perfectly into place. My hair falls onto my face, sticking in a mass onto my glossy lips.

In a failed attempt, I try to spit the hair away, but end up having to pull it out in a sticky clump. So much for my good hair day.

Approaching my locker, I find my two friends already gathered waiting for me.

Naila's typically matted hair has been gelled and styled. The curls fall perfectly framing her round baby face. It's clear she's attempted makeup of her own; I've never seen her in it.

Dark liner cakes her big eyes. She's tried to add a wing, but one side is drooped, causing her face to look unsymmetrical and sunken.

"Really, you too?" Jade says to me as I reach them. She looks as she does every day. Wild natural hair in a poof around her brown skin. And yet, she probably is still the best looking one here.

Jade is tall and athletic. Strong cheek bones, beautiful skin, full lips and thick sculpted brows. She doesn't even have to try—it's incredibly unfair.

Wrinkling up her nose, she looks past me. "It's like the rejects of Bad Girls Club around here."

Feeling suddenly uncomfortable in my new look, I pull my navy jacket around me, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Yeah, it's weird, I guess everyone just felt like dressing up today," I offer avoiding Jade's eyes.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure it has nothing to do with a certain new brooding boy," Jade teases.

The bell cuts through the nauseatingly scented hall, prompting Naila to slam her locker closed before we head off to our respective classes.


Hastily, I shove my textbook into my locker, closing it quickly before my carefully constructed tower comes tumbling out. I shrug my old backpack onto my shoulders, preparing to head home for the day.

Running a hand over my hair, I can already tell my attempt at sleek straightened hair has failed miserably. Over the course of the day, sweat has caused the top of my hair to begin to curl, caking against my clammy scalp.

See, this is why I don't even try.

"Hey," a voice too deep to be friendly calls out behind me.

Slowly, I turn on my shiny loafers. Jack Moody. And, he's talking to me.

"Uh—hello," I stammer.

He rests one hand in the pocket of his black jeans. It's apparent Wilcrest hasn't found him a uniform yet and taking in his appearance—cream hoodie and black converse, I hope they never do.

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