Dancing Shoes

163 21 27

♫ Little Things - One Direction

My hands smooth down the purple satin fabric of my small dress. The heels on my feet clacking as I make my way down the hall towards Wilcrest's gymnasium.

"Molly!" a familiar voice calls to me and I turn, almost toppling over in my uncomfortable shoes. Naila clicks towards me, dress matching in color—but hers has poofy tool around her hips. "You look so pretty!"

She grabs onto my hands pulling them up to reveal more of my outfit. It feels silly to be so done-up in our old school halls, but it's tradition.

The sound of music from the sweethearts' dance floods out to the hall as other Wilcrest girls begin to file into the gym, done up to the nines.

"Thanks, Naila," I say pulling her in for a quick hug. "You look great too."

Naila smiles widely at my compliment, picking up a hand to primp her curly updo. "You should see Jade. She looks unreal."

Grabbing onto my hand, she pulls me inside the heavy doors to enter the chaos.

Our old musty gym has been transformed. Colorful pink, red, and white streamers twist from ceiling to floor across the walls. A large disco ball centered in the dark room, sending colorful orbs of light dancing across the gymnasium. Heart shaped confetti strewn onto the floor.

"Jade!" Naila shouts, waving a hand into the air. "Over here!"

Sucking in a deep breath, I hold onto it as the long girl saunters towards us. Things have been tense between the two of us since the blowout in the girls bathroom yesterday. We're trying to mend it for Naila's sake, but honestly I'm feeling some serious hostility from her end.

"Hey, girl," I sing awkwardly. "You look stunning."

With a forced smile, I look her up and down. Her long legs billow in a flowy black jumpsuit—a silk purple sash belted around her waist to tie in our color theme.

Jade gives a short nod, moving to lock into Naila's other arm, clearly avoiding me still.

She can be so miserable at times.

Trying to lighten the mood, I proclaim, "So, should we go dance?"

It's still early—most of the other Wilcrest girls haven't broken the seal to start the dance party yet. But I've never been one to shy away from an opportunity to have all eyes on me.

So, we march out—happy to liven up the place.


After a few songs, my breathing is heavy, body damp with sweat as I whip my short bob back and forth, jumping around to the music with my friends.

It seems like a little bit of snappy pop music was all we really needed to band-aid the festering wound in our friendship.

But then, it's like a force enters into the gymnasium. Everyone in Wilcrest feeling it in unison as we turn our heads towards the excitement.

Dressed in a bubblegum pink minidress, Emma McKinney taps into the room—dainty silver heels on her feet. Linked on her arm is the most mind numbingly handsome boy I've ever laid eyes on.

Jack Moody's done up—a pale button up with rolled sleeves spread across his chest. His messy mop of brown hair has been pushed back a bit, like maybe it's been shown a little extra care.

If it weren't for his arm linked into my enemy's, I'd run over there and suction myself to him.

Seeming anxious with all the attention, Jack shoves his hands into the pockets of his dark pants. His brown eyes nervously scanning around the room—careful to avoid anyone's direct line of eye contact.

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