Ch. 51 Audrey's First Halloween

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Jasmine's P.O.V.
It's been a great month. Audrey is four months old, I'm working in the medbay in the morning and hanging with Audrey and the twins in the afternoon. Sunstreaker and I work out a few times a week. Sideswipe
Ratchet still works full time, even if it's slow in the medbay, but Jolt and a doctor from the hospital convinced him to take the weekends off unless there's an emergency. I still have this feeling something is going to happen. Also, it's the holiday season, starting with Audrey's first Halloween. Ratchet came up with the idea to have my aunt Ryley make Audrey a costume; what would Audrey look like as a sparkling? It's been fun thinking as if I'm cybertronian, but also my mind thinks I'm designing a body for if I end up dead. Even though it's harder to die being a hybrid. It's likely another way my mind is still struggling after what I've been through. I'm not sure if I could say I have PTSD, or still recovering mentally.

Sideswipe loves watching Audrey. I've caught him reading the book aunt Ryley gave me and Ratchet. He's been helping Audrey sit up.
"You know she'll take longer than most babies?" Ratchet asks.
"I know, but doesn't mean wait to teach her," Sideswipe argues, "and she might not take longer."
Both are right. I'm not too worried about Audrey taking longer. For now, she's not behind. As I watch her support herself with her arms while on her stomach. This doesn't last long, and she gets frustrated.
"She's been spending too much time with Sunstreaker," Sideswipe jokes.
"Or she's hungry," Sunstreaker replies, and picks Audrey up. He already has a bottle ready on the coffee table.
"Still strange to see," Sideswipe says.
"We sure this is Sunstreaker?" Ratchet asks.
"Seriously?!" Sunstreaker asks, annoyed.
Sideswipe changes the subject to Audrey's first Halloween. It's hard talking about Audrey's first holiday season. The first without my parents. Even hard to believe in less than a year, my sister went from being my friend to my enemy that even if our parents were alive, she wouldn't be part of the holidays.

"I think you should talk to Rung," Ratchet insists as we head to the cafeteria with the twins and Audrey.
"What's he going to do? It's the holidays and without my parents and Yazmine. My parents are missing all of Audrey's firsts."
"Help you with this. So you can be in a better mood for Audrey. It's also our first holiday season together in a long time and as a couple."

Ratchet's P.O.V.
I don't think Jasmine will talk to Rung, but I hope she will. There's not much I can do for her, but comfort when she's thinking about how different things will be in the next two months. It's not like this doesn't bother me. Thanks to Yazmine, this family is destroyed and Audrey will never know her parents.

One thing I am struggling with is how Jasmine is designing Audrey's costume. It's a lot like Compass' frame. I've never told Jasmine about Compass. Why would I talk about my last love?
I'm back in my office after lunch. I sit at my desk, debating on telling Jasmine about Compass.
I watch Compass appear in front of me.
"Compass, I..."
"I talked to Jasmine when she was kidnapped. She has seen me. She knows we were once together."
"That explains Audrey's costume looking like you, but why would Jasmine do it?"
"I am uncertain. It's difficult for me to act as a guardian angel. Unless she believes I somehow helped her until she was found. I am proud to watch your new family."
Compass hugs me and vanishes.
I don't know any femme, even Cybertronian, who'd honor their mech's past lover even if she's gone. I will not ask Jasmine.

Ryley finished Audrey's costume. The little baby is not happy as she's dressed. I can't believe how much she looks like Compass, or how much effort Ryley put into the costume.
She looks so much like you, Compass. I smile.
"Ratchet?" Jasmine asks, "are you ok? I'm sorry, I —."
"It's ok, I love it. She's adorable. I think Compass would have loved to see this. You know, if she was here, and we were friends."
"I know what you mean."
"Ok, not in front of Audrey," Ryley interrupts as I kiss Jasmine.

Many Autobots at the Halloween party couldn't believe the costume Jasmine designed for Audrey.
"Are you ok?" Optimus asks, "I didn't think you told Jasmine about Compass."
"I didn't," I admit, "I never thought about telling Jasmine. Would you believe me if I said I've been visited by Compass' ghost a few times?"
"I see why you don't tell anyone, but I believe you."
"Compass visited Jasmine while she was held captive. That's how Jasmine knows whet Compass looked like. It's just... I don't know what to think. My girlfriend is having her sister dress as my deceased sparkmate."
"I believe Jasmine wanted to honor Compass."
The conversation is dropped as the femmes approach us. I let them talk to Optimus and go find Jasmine.

Jasmine's P.O.V.
Audrey isn't sure what's going on, but everybot likes her costume. We might leave soon to keep her on schedule.  
"We leaving now?" Ratchet asks.
"No, we can stay for a while."
It's interesting seeing which Autobot is getting into Earth holidays, and wearing costumes. Figured Prowl and Sunstreaker would have no interest. Nor does Ratchet. I wonder if he'll change his mind as Audrey gets older.

We decide to leave at six to take Audrey for a walk. She seems to enjoy her walks. As always, the terror twins are with us. We always stop by the pond, even if Audrey can't interact with the ducks yet. She smiles as she hears them.

Optimus waits for us when we return. He wants to talk about a photo shoot.
"I was wondering when the femmes would talk to you," I comment.
We decide to do the photo shoot on Thanksgiving day since Thanksgiving here isn't the typical dinner. Optimus asked me if I wanted to do the typical dinner. It's possible if he and Lennox plan now. Even if it'll be just the Autobots and a few soldiers but most soldiers go home.
"No, I honestly would rather the holidays not be typical this year. I don't think I can even do the typical stuff at my aunt and uncle's."
"It's ok," Ratchet assures me, "Audrey won't remember this holiday season. She'll probably be napping during dinner."
I hope I can make Christmas special for Audrey.

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