Ch. 19 The Final Step

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Jasmine's P.O.V.
Every other day, they whip me for thirty minutes before throwing me back into the cell. This is the third day they're doing this. They whip hard to the point I feel the blood going down my arms, back, and legs. A week of this, but I'm worried about Ratchet.
"A week of this; I think we're ready," Yazmine smiles.
Even though it means they'll tell the Autobots where I am soon, I'm terrified. 

They tie me to a bed and inject me with large syringes.
"It's the flu, but you know how bad the flu can be," Yazmine says as she injects.
No way she calculated how much of the flu virus is in someone who's very sick's body. She could end up killing me, anyway.

Once they're done, I'm tossed back into my cell. Now I think they'll leave me in here, only coming by to give me food and see how sick I am. All I can do is cry until I am too sick to. I don't know how much time passed, but I think the virus works too well; now I'm seeing things.
"I am compass," The cybertronian ghost says, "I was Ratchet's sparkmate."
"Y-You came to tell me I deserve this?" I ask, worried.
"No, my dear. I am so happy Ratchet found someone. I don't think Ratchet would fall for a human, but I've watched you two from what we call The Well of Sparks. I have learned it's our version of what humans call Heaven."
"Can you talk to him?"
"It's not very easy, but I have."
"You have been watching us. Can you tell me if the baby is ok?"
"She is a fighter; Ratchet has taken a liking to her, and other family members have been found."
"Uncle Damian and aunt Ryley. Well, at least baby sister will be in good hands."
"You must be strong, Jasmine. My time is up for now..."
I watch her disappear.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
It's been a week, and we still can't find them. Jasmine needs help now if they've been starving her. Who knows how injured she is. Her baby sister has been doing well. The nurse says I can touch her tiny hand.
"But I'm not the father," I tell her.
"I have been told you are her guardian; it's fine," she smiles and moves my hand into the opening of the incubator. The little baby tries to wrap her hand around my pinky as she looks at me.
I shouldn't be doing this if Damian and Ryley will adopt her. I don't know how negotiable they'll be or the legal system. I don't know if I should talk to Damian and Ryley now or wait until we rescue Jasmine. Even with the unknown, I feel relaxed here.

The atmosphere at the base is still full of sadness. It's hard to go to my room knowing Jasmine isn't waiting for me. No way I can leave the base now; they'll know I'm looking to go to the bar down the street. I don't know if I'd be able to buy alcohol to bring to my room.
I try to tell myself this isn't good if I want a chance to adopt the baby, but I can't deal with the pain knowing I failed my girlfriend and we can't find her.

Ryley's P.O.V.
The kids are happy to be friends with the Autobots. It's hard to know what Damian and I should talk about or if we should be talking to Ratchet now? We both hope the Autobots will find Jasmine and not in a terrible mental state. Ryan is happy to be allowed to be doing a little training, though the rule still sticks; he has to wait until he's eighteen to join the military. The kids will not like going home.

Jasmine's P.O.V.
They've ignored me for two days, but someone gives me food. I'm starting to feel sick. I'm amazed it's taken two days, but this means the Energon tried to keep me from getting sick. This terrifies me more, thinking how much of the virus they injected. I was hoping compass could have told Ratchet where I am, but I guess she's now forbidden from talking to the living. A person dressed all in black walks in and stuffs a thermometer into my mouth.
"99.9° won't be long before you are dying," he says, pleased before leaving the room.
"I don't know if you can hear me, compass, but please tell Ratchet where I am before it's too late," I cry.

Yazmine's P.O.V.
"Ah, I give it two to three days before she's very ill," I tell Jadin after we hear what Jasmine's tempura is.
"Perhaps, but the Energon has delayed the beginning of her getting sick. Might still delay in the point she's very sick," Jadin explains.
"More time for her mental state to decline. The more time he's worried about her. The more likely her life will fall apart when she's rescued."
We don't know if the baby was saved, but I don't care if they were. They'll never know our parents or perfect older sister.

The Energon kept her from getting sick for three days before the virus took over. Jasmine cannot sit up and has a 103° fever. A few more days, and we'll reveal our location. We want her alive enough for them to watch her die. I.V. feeding is enough to keep her alive.

Jasmine's P.O.V.
I can't sit up, and they leave me in a dark room. I don't know if it's cold or just me. I hate when someone turns on the lights to change the I.V. bag. This time the bright light is Compass' spirit. I didn't think spirits could touch us or objects until she tries to give me water — unless I'm imagining it, but If I was, I wouldn't be soaked with water.
"Go tell Ratchet...."
"I know you're strong, Jasmine."
I can't keep my eyes open for long.

"Awe, such a cute baby," I coo.
I'm back home, and my baby sister is being released from the hospital, and the adoption is final; Ratchet and I are her guardians. My aunt and uncle will help us, but this baby is living with us.
"She's doing well and smiling," Ratchet comments, "everything is perfect."

I open my eyes, remembering I'm in a dark room and quickly remember I'm very sick as I shiver. I hate these dreams; they'll never happen.

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