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what does he mean by something like that. You either watch, you don't or maybe sometimes but something like that? That's when she realised, fuck.

"Please don't tell me your an enormous fan, I just spend a few good minutes shitting on them," she hoped he wasn't a fan or simply wasn't offended. Charles chuckled which she took as a good sign. "Don't worry Chéri, I won't take it personal."

"Fuck so you are," she was always honest so no problem there but she felt a bit bad. She just spend 5 minutes telling him how annoying she found the team being so close to where she lives. "Again something like that."

"Explain it to me, will you?"

"Sure, I guess I grew up watching the team with my family. Plus my uh godfather used too race in F1, his dream was driving for Ferrari." used to, that's was grabbed Emelia her attention. She knew she probably shouldn't ask but did she ever really do what she was supposed to?

"Used to?"

An uncomfortable silence fell over them, both acting different to 5 minutes ago when Charles listened to the girl chat about living in Maranello. Charles hummed, "He was, uh, in a crash. Unfortunately did not make it."

Emelia wasn't quite sure what too say. She had expiernced a ton of grieve in her life, never liking when people felt sorry for her. Yet she said, "I'm sorry. For bringing it up at least." he looked up again, carefully smiling at her, "It's fine, you couldn't have known."

Luckily for the two of them the conversation quickly shifted too something lighter. Chatting the entire afternoon without realising how fast the time was going. Their conversation got interrupted when his phone started ringing, "I'm sorry, I have to take this." she just nodded, telling him it was okay.

"Shit mate," Charles said to whoever called him, "thanks for calling. I totally lost track of time but will be there in a few." Emelia let out a little laugh, he was late for something just like she was for literally everything.

"I'm afraid I have to go," he got up collecting his belongings while apologising for how abruptly he had too leave. "Don't worry, I had a lovely afternoon. Thank you." he left also thanking her with a giddy smile on his face.

After a while of reading Emelia decided it was time for her to leave as well. It was already passed 5 and she still had a lot of groceries to do. "Amara love, I'm leaving. How much do I owe you?" she was grabbing for her purse when she heard Amara laugh. "Nothing actually, Charles paid for you."

She was a bit stunned, "I- well that's nice, do you uh know him?" Emelia wondered because Amara did know his name. "Not really, he just comes here often. You two seemed to hit it off, got his number?"

Emelia had totally forgot about that. With him leaving in such a rush and them just spending the entire afternoon chatting she hadn't even asked for any socials. Shit happens she thought to herself. "I don't actually, he might come back here and otherwise don't really care that much."

"A waste Em, he is pretty hot and that's a lot coming from me. But don't worry, as I said he comes here often." Emelia laughed, "Aha that's why I have never seen him before, because he comes here all the time,"

"He does I swear," Amara told the girl. "I've gotta run but we'll see. Cause you're right, he was pretty hot."

author speaking!!!
another chapter because there is no race today. it's a bit of a shorter one but i hope you all enjoyed it.

lots of love, lou 🫶🏼

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